$game_data$ = false| true| $fs_root$| gamedata\
$game_data$ = true| true| $fs_root$| gamedata\
X:\Program Files\THQ\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl\gamedata\config\weapons
zoom_offset = -0.145,0.045,-0.2
zoom_offset = -0.145082,0.038,-0.2
hit_probability_max_dist = 10;
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "weapons\ammo\ammo_5.45x39_fmj" ; option for Level Editor
class = AMMO
cform = skeleton
visual = weapons\ammo\ammo_545x39_fmj.ogf
description = enc_weapons1_ammo_ammo-5.45x39-fmj
$prefetch = 64
cost = 200
box_size = 30
inv_name = ammo-5.45x39-fmj
inv_name_short = ammo-5.45x39-fmj_s
inv_weight = .32
inv_grid_width = 2
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 16
inv_grid_y = 11
k_dist = 1
k_disp = 2.10
k_hit = 1.15
k_impulse = 1
k_pierce = 1
impair = 1
buck_shot = 1
tracer = on
wm_size = 0.05
Ile giwer możesz pomieścić w jednej ręce:
hand_dependence = 1
W ilu rękach ma być dana broń:
single_handed = 1
blast = 1.50
blast_r = 8
blast_impulse = 250
blast_impulse_factor = 1
frags = 5
frags_r = 15
frag_hit = 0.75
frag_hit_impulse = 150
hit_type_blast = explosion
hit_type_frag = burn
up_throw_factor = 1.0
wm_size = 0.1
explode_particles = explosions\explosion_mobiltank
light_color = 1.9,1.2,0.5
light_range = 30.0
light_time = 1
;ňđŕńńű îň îńęîëęîâ
fragment_speed = 100 ;ńęîđîńňü îńęîëęîâ (ě/ń)
explode_duration = 5 ;ďîäîëćčňĺëüíîńňü âçđűâŕ (ń)
snd_explode = weapons\f1_explode
immunities_sect = explosive_mobiltank_immunities_sect
wallmark_section = explosion_marks
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