[Call of Chernobyl] Nowy wielki SandBox

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Re: [Call of Chernobyl] Nowy wielki SandBox

Postprzez Zwinny w 09 Lip 2017, 12:59

Wyszedł fajny mod do coca "Zew czarnobyla powrót legendy" jest na konkurencyjnym forum, ktoś testował?
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Posty: 120
Dołączenie: 23 Lip 2016, 17:48
Ostatnio był: 25 Lis 2018, 01:18
Frakcja: Samotnicy
Ulubiona broń: SGI 5k
Kozaki: 5

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Re: [Call of Chernobyl] Nowy wielki SandBox

Postprzez Oreskan w 17 Lip 2017, 00:17

Taki temat już był, ale nikt na niego sensownie nie odpowiedział. Więc proszę Ja o pomoc :). Problem jest taki, że technik potrzebuje czegoś, co nie wiem jak zdobyć czyli informacji na temat jakiejś broni. Podobno można je jakoś spawnować w konsoli (chyba) wpisująć -dbg czy coś takiego. proszę o pomoc. Dziękuję. :)

Posty: 2
Dołączenie: 16 Lip 2017, 23:43
Ostatnio był: 14 Mar 2018, 23:22
Frakcja: Monolit
Ulubiona broń: Gauss Gun
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Re: [Call of Chernobyl] Nowy wielki SandBox

Postprzez rafcze1 w 18 Lip 2017, 22:47

Panowie dwa szybkie pytania:
(1) Gram Samotnikiem. Pierwszy raz zdarzyło mi się, że miałem opcję "Hey, let's explore the Zone together" tzn. mogłem zrekrutować innego samotnika żeby ze mną łaził w drużynie.
Od czego zależy taka możliwość zrekrutowania innego Samotnika? Od dania komuś apteczki w chwili potrzeby, od reputacji, losowo? Jak się jest we frakcji to wiadomo, im większa reputacja tym więcej swoich można zrekrutować... ale jak z samotnikami?

(2) Czy gdzieś w CoC jest taka opcja z walką frakcji o teren i zajmowaniem poszczególnych punktów jak w podstawowym Czystym Niebie?

Z góry dzięki za odpowiedzi.

Za ten post rafcze1 otrzymał następujące punkty reputacji:
Positive ZiomB.

Posty: 5
Dołączenie: 18 Lip 2017, 22:42
Ostatnio był: 26 Sie 2018, 14:51
Frakcja: Samotnicy
Ulubiona broń: Storming Obokan
Kozaki: 1

Re: [Call of Chernobyl] Nowy wielki SandBox

Postprzez trolololo w 18 Lip 2017, 23:05

1. Z tego co zauważyłem to zależy od rangi. Im wyższa, tym więcej można brać.
2. Niby są zadania żeby "wyczyścić" jakiś punkt, i dochodzi do ataku na wrogie tereny, jednak jest to mało rozwinięte. Jeśli chcesz przejmowania terenów jak w CN to najbliżej tego jest submod "Warfare".
Deszczyk pada , RAM mi zjada...

Posty: 1106
Dołączenie: 25 Wrz 2013, 13:03
Ostatnio był: 24 Mar 2023, 18:36
Miejscowość: Na granicy LTE
Frakcja: Wojskowi Stalkerzy
Ulubiona broń: "Tunder" 5.45
Kozaki: 118

Re: [Call of Chernobyl] Nowy wielki SandBox

Postprzez ZiomB w 19 Lip 2017, 20:40

trolololo napisał(a):Od czego zależy taka możliwość zrekrutowania innego Samotnika?

Każda frakcja działa na tej samej zasadzie, niezależnie czy to Samotnik czy Monolitowiec.
Ogólnie zasadą jest, ze jeżeli masz kogoś na zielony kolor to możesz go zwerbować, możesz na początku zwerbować tylko dwie osoby do grupy. Możesz także rekrutować całe niezależne grupy NPCów przechadzające się po Zonie (tylko ich dowódca (Stalker z gwiazdką na minimapie) musi być na zielono), warunkiem jest wyżej wspomniany limit dwóch członków, więc jeżeli próbujesz zrekrutować trzy-osobową grupę i nie masz takiej opcji dialogowej to znaczy że jest powyżej limitu.
rafcze1 napisał(a):Od dania komuś apteczki...

Każdy NPC zmienia z automatu kolor na zielony po podaniu mu apteczki.

Istnieje też osiągnięcie, które dostajesz po wbiciu podajże najwyższej rangi, wtedy możesz rekrutować aż cztery osoby. Zasada jest taka sama, możesz rekrutować całe cztero-osobowe oddziały.
rafcze1 napisał(a):Jak się jest we frakcji to wiadomo, im większa reputacja tym więcej swoich można zrekrutować...

Frakcja nie ma znaczenia, jak grasz jako członek Czystego Nieba to i tak możesz zrekrutować 4 Samotników albo Ekologów (pod warunkiem że zrobiłeś dla nich wystarczająco dużo zadań by się cała frakcja zmieniła na zielono).

rafcze1 napisał(a):(2) Czy gdzieś w CoC jest taka opcja z walką frakcji o teren i zajmowaniem poszczególnych punktów jak w podstawowym Czystym Niebie?


Za ten post ZiomB otrzymał następujące punkty reputacji:
Negative Necrontyr.
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Posty: 377
Dołączenie: 03 Mar 2010, 21:13
Ostatnio był: 06 Kwi 2019, 00:36
Miejscowość: Crawley
Frakcja: Czyste Niebo
Ulubiona broń: Obokan
Kozaki: 65

Re: [Call of Chernobyl] Nowy wielki SandBox

Postprzez trolololo w 25 Lip 2017, 11:23

Strażnicy Baru przy Wysypisku i Dziczy nie zawsze atakują wrogów. Da się to naprawić bez zbytniego mieszania w grze?

Koło wyjścia z bazy wojskowych w Agropromie znalazłem BTR do którego można wsiąść. Da się nim jeździć?
Deszczyk pada , RAM mi zjada...

Posty: 1106
Dołączenie: 25 Wrz 2013, 13:03
Ostatnio był: 24 Mar 2023, 18:36
Miejscowość: Na granicy LTE
Frakcja: Wojskowi Stalkerzy
Ulubiona broń: "Tunder" 5.45
Kozaki: 118

Re: [Call of Chernobyl] Nowy wielki SandBox

Postprzez True Stalker w 05 Sie 2017, 13:02

TeamEPIC udostępniło beta wersję 1.5b Call of Chernobyl:
oraz pierwszy patch do niej - r3 http://www.moddb.com/mods/call-of-chernobyl/downloads/beta-call-of-chernobyl-15-r3-patch

Lista zmian w wersji 1.5:

1.5b r3:
* Dragged icons now drop to cell at cursor position rather then the left-top position of the icon
= Fix Petrenko's trader config file being misspelled preventing him from loading his supplies.
= Fix artefact condition not loading properly for level object
= Fix disabling helicopter spawn from crashing the game if helicopters exist
= Fix missing l11_pripyat.db and level.ai for Yantar
= Fix online exclusion radius
= Fix tell stories around the campfire
= Fixed Clear Sky outfit name/descriptions; Were incorrectly swapped
= Fixed crash with xr_box.script
= Missing "gameplay\character_dialogs"
= Reimplemented temporary fix to engine for DX8 'default shader' crash
~ Adjust mutant meat and food
~ Allow bandit trader and monolith trader to buy artefacts since their factions don't have access to scientists
~ Beard buys aretfacts now
~ Librarian buys mutant parts now
~ Olivius buys mutant parts
~ Spore buys artefacts now

1.5b r2:
+ Added 2 extra slots to the inventory, one for knives and the other for binoculars.
+ Added 28 outfits and pieces of headgear, 26 of which from VodkaChicken's "Outfit Addon".
+ Added 2C's customisations to Yantar and Outskirts levels, expanding many building interiors.
+ Added 5 custom map spots; three for stashes, one for butterfly mines and the other for companions.
+ Added 43 first names and 520 second names restored from all three previous stalker games.
+ Added a post_combat_idle for mutants to utilise old engine features like dragging bodies and eating.
+ Added a start location for bandits at the Car Park / Vehicle Station in Cordon.
+ Added a tab to game options dedicated to interface and heads-up-display options.
+ Added ability to bind a key to toggle the heads-up-display on or off.
+ Added ability to hold control and double-click to move more than a single item in a stack.
+ Added ability to ignite or extinguish campfires at will instead of relying on NPCs to do it.
+ Added animations for campfires, corpse searching, surrending and other scenarios involving the AI.
+ Added callbacks "actor_menu_mode_changed", "inventory_box_can_take", "on_achievement_earned", "squad_on_enter_smart" and "squad_on_leave_smart".
+ Added Clear Sky's hidden base as one of the start locations when playing as a loner.
+ Added command line options "-smap256", "-smap512", and "-smap1024".
+ Added cooking feature, which allows the player to use a stove to cook mutant meats.
+ Added debug command "debug_visuals" which spawns all NPC visuals in a line for inspection.
+ Added debug command "name" to change player name, use underscores in place of spaces.
+ Added directory abbreviation "$warfare_presets$" so Warfare doesn't need to modify fsgame.ltx.
+ Added grass shadows toggle to the video options menu. No noticeable impact on performance.
+ Added guide tab to the PDA, a work-in-progress recreation of the Shadow of Chernobyl encyclopedia.
+ Added higher resolution PDA map renders of Chernobyl NPP, Darkscape, Dead City and Generators.
+ Added kPDA_TAB1 through 6 to replace usage of kCUSTOM6 through 12 for PDA tab binds.
+ Added logic parameter "on_first_update"; similar to "on_info" but only fires once per load.
+ Added missing closed captions for Clear Sky and Mercenaries, thanks to VodkaChicken and SashaRed.
+ Added missing minimap for the Monolith Control Center (l12u_control_monolith).
+ Added mutant parts "Crow beak" and "Karlik ear", both hard to obtain and valuable.
+ Bounty tasks now tell you the name and faction of the target before accepting them.
+ Controllers now actually hurt AI stalkers, they can commit suicide or attack their friends.
+ Enabled more voice lines for throwing grenades and other actions performed by the AI.
+ Item configurations have been relocated to a new folder and have been completely reorganised.
+ Many doors which were locked can now be opened and closed, unlocking more safe spots from emissions.
+ News tips icons for achievements, dynamic news, etc. are now read from a new external config plugin.
+ PDA map spots for important areas like anomalies are now read from a new external config plugin.
+ Restored ambient cloud shadows from Shadow of Chernobyl and pre-release builds.
+ Restored ambient night-time music from build 3844 and 3183 for Jupiter and Zaton respectively.
+ Restored ambient sound effects from Shadow of Chernobyl using Balathruin's Sound Restoration addon (with tweaks).
+ Restored an easter egg which was accidentally removed in a previous patch.
+ Restored bandit unique animations from Shadow of Chernobyl for trenchcoat and jackets models.
+ Restored the circular in-game crosshair from Shadow of Chernobyl.
+ Restored the Karlik mutant from earlier Shadow of Chernobyl builds.
+ Restored the "Use Direct X 10.1" video option from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.
+ Sleep deprivation item fatigue values are now read from a new external config plugin.
+ Stalker weapon loadouts have been modularised and split into separate files for every two ranks.
+ Step sounds now make noise and the AI reacts to it, you should walk if you want to sneak up on an enemy.
+ Trader files have been redesigned and modularised, now they make use of new trade profiles.

* Adjusted xr_danger, stalkers now properly react to new dangers and can prioritise as necessary.
* Ammunition received when unloading enemy weapons is now randomised, instead of using the magazine capacity.
* A-Life greatly optimised to run on all thirty-two levels at once instead of just neighbouring levels.
* Better linkage for Call of Pripyat maps to encourage Duty and Freedom to travel between these levels.
* Better save compatibility with smart terrains if respawns are changed.
* Butterfly mines now automatically despawn if they fall below the level when placed.
* Can now unlock the "Down to Earth" achievement with the RG-6, RPG-7 and variants thereof.
* Cats now have the same morale value as dogs and should attack more frequently.
* Changed the respawn tick for all smart terrains to one in-game day.
* Companions can now sprint and should catch up to the player a lot faster when far away.
* Contacts and companions screens more efficient, now only create as many rows as they need when updating.
* Corpses are now displayed as a light-blue dot instead of the usual grey, making them easier to see on the map.
* Corrected alpha layers on map renders for the PDA and minimaps, though no visual difference in-game.
* Corrected military rank abbreviations (Private, Sergeant etc.) in the PDA's relations tab.
* Corrected the description of anabiotics as they also protect the player from psi-storms.
* Corrected the dimensions of stash markers, as GSC had accidentally made them 2px too small in width and height.
* Corrected the "Glory Kill" task reward, now gives a random weapon as the text would imply.
* Corrected the name of 7.62x54mm 7N14 ammunition (the one fired by the SVD and SVU).
* Corrected the names of detectors, the detector type is now in quotation marks like in Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat.
* Debug spawner plugin is now a blacklist rather than a whitelist, items are now added automatically.
* Decreased the spawn rates of Fractures and Rats to be much rarer like they should be.
* Doubled the requirements for all ranks and rebalanced points received due to complaints.
* Drag-to-use texts in item descriptions are now much more visible and easier to read.
* Duty's megaphone in Rostok now plays their faction music, instead of Dirge for Planet.
* Dynamic news now only lets stalkers report on events which they have actually witnessed.
* Emissions and psi-storms now take into account whether you are in an arena battle.
* Exported ability to get addon flags for server entities that inherit from se_alife_item_weapon.
* Exported CUIActorMenu_CanMoveToPartner and CInventoryBox_CanTake to actor_menu_inventory and _g respectively.
* Exported enum and new read/write properties for server entities inheriting from cse_alife_item_weapon.
* Exported ray_pick function from engine, and rewrote the in-line-of-fire check to use it.
* Exported the spawn and spawn_loadout systems from the engine to scripts for easier customisation.
* Fetch tasks now require the player to collect less items than before to complete them.
* Increased speed of table_print feature whilst also decreasing RAM usage and chance of stack overflows.
* Kruglov now has his own room, behaves like a mechanic proper and also has a new map spot to help find him.
* Language list is now read from folder directory listings rather than set via scripts.
* Level weathers are now read as a table instead of being parsed as a string.
* Machine gun on top of Yantar bunker now always available to avoid being spawned multiple times.
* Massively reduced memory usage by reducing bump maps, whilst preserving detail by using Kaiser filtering.
* Memory sticks can now be found on corpses (like PDAs) and can be right-click used to unlock guide articles.
* Mod of the Year 2015 and 2016 icons now feature on the main menu as we aren't eligible for future ones.
* Monolith now meditate during surges instead of running for cover as they don't need it.
* Nerfed discounts given by traders to more reasonable levels due to starting relations with own faction.
* Non-story players in the Monolith or Zombified factions can now explore Monolith Control Center freely.
* Opened the zat_b103 smart terrain to simulation for the Mercenary faction.
* Optimisations to simulation_objects.script and gulag_general.script to improve performance.
* Outfit costs have been increased due to addition of so many new ones, should help slow progression.
* Psi-zone logics now have additional checks as they didn't take into account all possible circumstances.
* Rebalanced the prices for mutant meats and parts to make sense with their item descriptions.
* Rebuilt and restored a lot of the portrait iconsheet as all the alpha levels somehow got messed up.
* Redesigned and replaced the splash screen to include the new MOTY logo. Much more professional-looking.
* Reduced the volume of rain by 25% as it was often deafening during thunderstorms.
* Redistributed the PDA broker dialog to more logical choices, and changed the text of the dialog.
* Reduced bleeding restoration from medkits, and satiety restoration from regular foods.
* Relations tab in the PDA now accurately displays actor community goodwill.
* Renamed all trade files to include the character name and their faction in the file names.
* Renamed Monolith trader back to his 1.2 name, from "Rabbit" to "Krolik" even though it means the same.
* Renamed most plugin files to more suitable names and added better documentation about how to use them.
* Reorganised the icon sheet as new items and outfits had made it rather messy.
* Replaced the "Favourite weapon" statistic with a "Guide articles" counter to show unlock progress.
* Resized the global rectangles for underground levels displaying on the PDA to hide weird artefacting.
* Sleeping bags are now marked on the PDA using the bed map spot so that they are not forgotten about.
* Spawned NPCs or physics objects via the debug spawner now appear at the location of the mouse cursor.
* Scope, sight, silencer, launcher and the weapon's probability can now be determined in the spawn_loadout system.
* Spore's PDA now has a unique name as to not confuse it with those found on random corpses.
* Stalkers now used a knife to smash open boxes in their way instead of shooting at them point-blank.
* Stalkers who have tasks to be turned in to are forced to talk to player when requested.
* Standard ammo types only are spawned on player during character creation, no more high-power rounds.
* Stash markers now increase in size as you zoom in, making it easier to find them on the PDA map.
* Stop signs are now say "СТОП" instead of "STOP", as most other in-game signs are written in Cyrillic.
* Traders now offer better supplies based on goodwill instead of the "Heavy Pockets" achievement.
* Updated bins to include several fixes from Russian forums as well as HQ geometry for dynamic meshes.
* Weapon pack sights can now be right-click attached to specific weapons, not just current/primary slot only.

= Fixed agr_smart_terrain_1_6_near_2 having a heli_army flag, should have been in agr_smart_terrain_1_6_near_1.
= Fixed artefacts intended for the "Molten Lada" anomaly spawning at the "Hot Hind" anomaly instead.
= Fixed attach offsets for guitars, stalkers should now hold them properly when playing at a campfire.
= Fixed Barkeep giving discounts to Duty instead of Loners, this is covered by Petrenko in same level.
= Fixed being able to jump-start storymode as non-story faction by killing Doc before his immunity works.
= Fixed being able to skip level changer dialog box if the player reloaded autosave before transitioning.
= Fixed bug in Ecologist task caused by jup_b6_stalker_1_measurements_done having actor as sound type.
= Fixed bug where first entry in portrait plugin for each faction wasn't available in character creation.
= Fixed bug where some vectors weren't being set properly in scripts.
= Fixed crash caused by Sultan having the wrong actor_dialog, it was referencing the text string and not the dialog itself.
= Fixed crash which happened when playing in a low resolution when using certain interfaces.
= Fixed crows not saving whether they had already been field dressed, now only works once per crow.
= Fixed emissions and psi-storms not stopping when dying in Azazel mode, causing player to die on respawn.
= Fixed engine bug where hit_probability values for difficulties higher than novice were ignored.
= Fixed GSC's mistake in hit callback which caused weak weapons to heal wounded stalkers.
= Fixed Hawaiian giving discounts to Freedom instead of Loners, this is covered by Ashot in the same level.
= Fixed incorrect portraits for certain outfits when using the "Portrait by Outfit" gameplay option.
= Fixed knife attacks not killing the target if damage dealt was greater than the target's health.
= Fixed knives being damaged when looting them from the bodies of NPCs. Was only noticeable through repair kits.
= Fixed Mi-24 helicopters not despawning with unlocking of the "Down to Earth" achievement.
= Fixed mistake in xr_motivator and bind_monster because of incorrectly thinking passed sobject in net_spawn was a server entity.
= Fixed not being able to sell Freedom faction patches even though you could sell the other eight just fine.
= Fixed NPCs not finding jobs on first load because they had already taken them but just not initiated them yet.
= Fixed Owl giving discounts to Clear Sky instead of Loners, however only the first discount was affected.
= Fixed PDA lag caused by anomaly icons being added again every time the game was loaded.
= Fixed player being able to join the "trader" faction when respawning in Azazel mode.
= Fixed potential memory leak with user interfaces, constructors using CUIWindow should use self:AutoDelete(true).
= Fixed rank being increased a second time in the place of reputation when statistics change.
= Fixed rank and reputation increase/decrease notifications firing after respawning in Azazel mode.
= Fixed Spas-12's RPM upgrade which still remains broken in Call of Pripyat.
= Fixed stalkers talking about your bounties acting suspicious after you have killed them.
= Fixed stashes having untranslated names when placed without specifying a name.
= Fixed stalkers spawning at old LVID's due to db.offline_objects[id].level_vertex_id.
= Fixed ui_debug_attach not changing NPC animation state properly.
= Fixed weather options not saving and weather presets not working.

- Removed a door in Dead City, hopefully fixing broken pathfinding when entering/leaving the building.
- Removed a ton of duplicate and empty files found in the configs/gameplay/ folder.
- Removed all Call of Pripyat quest items and texts which aren't being reused in any way.
- Removed all code relating to the now defunct DEACTIVATE_SIM_ON_NON_LINKED_LEVELS constant.
- Removed all references to the hardcoded anomaly action planner.
- Removed many multiplayer-specific items which had no reason to exist any more.
- Removed rare variants of weapons from the keep_items section (Nimble, Snag, Trapper, etc).
- Removed references to Strelok and Marked One from audio dialog used by the Rostok arena.
- Removed redundant script files, their code was rewritten, moved or just wasn't needed any more.
- Removed some leftover junk stalker and mutant configs as well as some duplicate visuals.
- Removed some old legacy code added in previous patch hotfixes as it was no-longer needed.

Wersja 1.5 jak na razie NIE JEST zgodna z żadnymi dodatkami do poprzednich wersji.

Za ten post True Stalker otrzymał następujące punkty reputacji:
Positive trolololo, Zwinny.
Awatar użytkownika
True Stalker

Posty: 7
Dołączenie: 02 Sie 2017, 10:01
Ostatnio był: 06 Gru 2017, 10:39
Miejscowość: Toruń
Frakcja: Samotnicy
Ulubiona broń: --
Kozaki: 4

Re: [Call of Chernobyl] Nowy wielki SandBox

Postprzez Zwinny w 05 Sie 2017, 13:33

Mod ma potencjał ale przy takiej soljance jest jednym wielkim pustkowiem, dlatego czekam na rozbudowanie zadań
Awatar użytkownika

Posty: 120
Dołączenie: 23 Lip 2016, 17:48
Ostatnio był: 25 Lis 2018, 01:18
Frakcja: Samotnicy
Ulubiona broń: SGI 5k
Kozaki: 5

Re: [Call of Chernobyl] Nowy wielki SandBox

Postprzez True Stalker w 05 Sie 2017, 13:41

Na Zew Czarnobyla trzeba patrzeć (jak na razie) pod kątem ogromnej i niestety pustej piaskownicy. Musimy czekać cierpliwie na autorskie mody fabularne do niego (ostatnio autor "Sektora 11" napomknął coś o chęci stworzenia moda do CoCa).

Solanka jest przykładem najbardziej rozbudowanego fabularnie moda do Stalkera więc nie ma co porównywać jej do CoCa...
Awatar użytkownika
True Stalker

Posty: 7
Dołączenie: 02 Sie 2017, 10:01
Ostatnio był: 06 Gru 2017, 10:39
Miejscowość: Toruń
Frakcja: Samotnicy
Ulubiona broń: --
Kozaki: 4

Re: [Call of Chernobyl] Nowy wielki SandBox

Postprzez Zwinny w 05 Sie 2017, 14:38

A jest coś podobnego do soljanki?
Awatar użytkownika

Posty: 120
Dołączenie: 23 Lip 2016, 17:48
Ostatnio był: 25 Lis 2018, 01:18
Frakcja: Samotnicy
Ulubiona broń: SGI 5k
Kozaki: 5

Re: [Call of Chernobyl] Nowy wielki SandBox

Postprzez True Stalker w 05 Sie 2017, 14:54

Niestety Solanka jest jedyna w swoim rodzaju ;) a tak na poważnie to pierwsze co mi się nasuwa to Stalkersoup (wersja angielska) http://www.tecnobacon.com/ - łatwiejsza choć nieco okrojona Sola (więcej lokacji, niestety bardziej "pustych" zarówno fabularnie jak i "NPC-owo".
Awatar użytkownika
True Stalker

Posty: 7
Dołączenie: 02 Sie 2017, 10:01
Ostatnio był: 06 Gru 2017, 10:39
Miejscowość: Toruń
Frakcja: Samotnicy
Ulubiona broń: --
Kozaki: 4

Re: [Call of Chernobyl] Nowy wielki SandBox

Postprzez trolololo w 05 Sie 2017, 15:04

Wystarczy postawić sobie cele, i urozmaicić modami.
Ja polecam "Warfare", jakiś na bronie np. Arsenal, oraz jakieś graficzne, i można grać.
Deszczyk pada , RAM mi zjada...

Za ten post trolololo otrzymał następujące punkty reputacji:
Positive True Stalker.

Posty: 1106
Dołączenie: 25 Wrz 2013, 13:03
Ostatnio był: 24 Mar 2023, 18:36
Miejscowość: Na granicy LTE
Frakcja: Wojskowi Stalkerzy
Ulubiona broń: "Tunder" 5.45
Kozaki: 118


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Użytkownicy przeglądający to forum: Brak zarejestrowanych użytkowników oraz 0 gości