[Zone Reclamation Project]

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[Zone Reclamation Project]

Postprzez lukass w 20 Sty 2010, 11:14

Zone Reclamation Project


The Zone Reclamation Project

An Unofficial Bugfix Patch for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl
An extension of bardak's Patch 1.0004 bug fix attempt
Compatible with 1.0004 and 1.0005, and apparently the recalled 1.0006

ZRP "enhancements and additional fixes" authors, contributors, troubleshooters:
NatVac, Fatrap, Victim, DC-, silverpower, omero, Decane, fitzroy_doll,
motiv-8, BobBQ, Snowball, TSL16b, Eggchen, barin, Alex-Tommy, Don Reba,
Cpt. Borovich, Mr. Fusion, nandersen, dezodor, XiaNi, romulous, ZaGaR
The Modifier STALKER mod configuration utility: NatVac
The ZRP Teleport dialog: TSL16b
Italian language support: Claysoft'65, lowenz
Russian language support: Alex-Tommy
Included mods or mod parts/contributing authors:
bardak's excellent "Patch 1.0004 bug fix attempt" (of course)
Decane's Quest Overhaul Lite (optional, not default)
Dunin Ammo Aggregation by IG2007 (optional, default on)
GP37 (G36) with grenade and silencer support by SiriusStarr
No Head-Bobbing by PiIsARational (optional, not default)
Real Gun Names from data by Kyodan/Brood98 (optional, not default)
Screw Repair by NatVac from Shebuka idea (optional, not default)
Show Reward Mini Mod v1.03 by onionradish (optional, default on)
Stalkers Are Not Blind by Red75 (optional, not default)
WideScreen Inventory Size by Raw (optional, default)
The guys and ladies of the GSC STALKER forum.
Change history:
1.05 - more bug fixes, more tweaks, all.spawn fixes, more options
1.04c - Provided directory of replacement files for 1.0005 support
1.04 - some repeating event fixes, Modifier program, minor tweaks
1.03 - more tweaks, diff file info for modders
1.02 - some tweaks and all.spawn fixes
1.01 - added option to temporarily bypass a quest choice
1.0 - first look, initial release 2007-10-03
(for feedback and tweaking)

Purposes of this modification:

To fix the script engine and configuration bugs, where possible.

To address known limitations of the game as much as possible.

To correct English language errors and sense.

To increase useability and add functionality.

To minimize the micromanagement and mouse movement in the game.

To provide a basis for other mods.

** This is a work in progress! **

Please report all bugs and make suggestions in the Mod Discussion section
at the GSC forum:

http://www.gsc-game.com/index.php?t=com ... xr&lang=en

As of this release, the ZRP mod is discussed in the "ZRP - A joint effort
in fixing S.T.A.L.K.E.R...?" thread there:

http://www.gsc-game.com/main.php?t=comm ... &sec_id=16

STALKER installed and patched to version 1.0004 or 1.0005

This mod is based on bardak's patch 1.0004 bug fix attempt, and can be
considered as "the bfa plus additional fixes". A translation of the readme for
that mod is in the Docs subdirectory. For more info, visit the GSC forum's Mod
Downloads section.


*** PLEASE BACK UP THE STALKER gamedata\config and gamedata\scripts directories
*** (if you have them) before using this mod!

First time installation (no other mods):
It is recommended that you use Don Reba's Mod Manager to install this mod, as
it would help in the likely event that you would want to merge other mods with
the ZRP.


If you wish to do it manually:

1) Copy the gamedata directory from this mod into your STALKER installation
directory. You might need admin rights to do this. If your STALKER
installation directory is:

C:\Program Files\THQ\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl\

then after you copy the ZRP gamedata directory there, it will look like this:

C:\Program Files\THQ\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl\gamedata\

If you are using the STEAM version of STALKER, it is in this directory (or
something like it):
C:\Program Files\steam\steamapps\common\stalker shadow of chernobyl\

2) Change any "false" to "true" on
the second line of fsgame.ltx in your STALKER installation directory. It should
look like this:

$game_data$ = true| true| $fs_root$| gamedata\

Installing with other mods:
If you are using other mods, you will need to merge the mods with this one. Don
Reba's Mod Manager is recommended: http://www.smart-mod-manager.org

If you are running only bardak's bug fix attempt, you can copy the gamedata
directory from this mod into your STALKER installation directory, after backing
up the existing gamedata subdirectory. You might need admin rights to do this.
When prompted that the directory exists, tell Windows to overwrite the existing
files. This mod _already_ incorporates bardak's 1.0004 bfa in its entirety.

While it is probably safe to copy this version over previous versions of the
Zone Reclamation Project, it would be better to rename the old gamedata to
something like gamedata_backup and copy the gamedata from this archive to the
STALKER installation directory.

The best benefit will occur when you start a new game, but this is not required.

You should back up any existing gamedata subdirectory. With the exception of
the all.spawn in bardak's bug fix attempt, you should use any all.spawn provided
by the other mod, even though you might lose certain benefits and bug fixes.

To uninstall, use the Mod Manager to disable the ZRP mod.

To uninstall manually, just remove or rename the gamedata directory. Re-install
any gamedata directory that you backed up prior to installing the ZRP.

Playing the game:

If this is your first mod, you do not need to start a new game if you were
running with 1.0004 or 1.0005. Certain features will not be available unless
you start a new game -- see the game bug fixes and other notes below.

If you only have used bardak's bug fix attempt, you do not need to start a new
game, although some fixes and features will not be available.

If you have been running other mods, you will need to merge them with this
mod. If you do this correctly, you will not need to start a new game, although
some fixes and features will not be available.

**** First Time Players, Please Note ****

If this is your first time playing STALKER, you should re-enable some vanilla
features to know why they were disabled in the first place.

The ZRP has a few default settings to reduce the complaints many make and to
enhance the game experience without changing gameplay. However, you might want
to suffer a bit first. To get almost pure vanilla out of the 1.05 version of
the ZRP, run the Modifier program. Click on the following entries and follow
the instructions, clicking the Apply button after making changes to each entry:

_ZRP Mod Stuff -- uncheck Automatic ammo boxing and Antirad Hotkey checkboxes
Quest Time Limits -- set quest_time_factor to 1, uncheck any checked checkboxes
Secret Stash Stuff -- uncheck any checked checkboxes
Sound Annoyances -- uncheck any checked checkboxes
Trade and Search Screens -- select "Vanilla Screens"

Also, you should check to see if there is an option to do what you want already
in the ZRP package before adding external mini-mods. Examples include the
abilities to disable or reduce head bobbing, use real gun names, get weapon and
outfit repairs, modify quest time limits (and much more), change carry weight
capacity, etc.

Please note that if you don't like a feature, you can change it or remove it
easily in most cases.

To configure this mod, try the Modifier program in the gamedata subdirectory.
These changes can also be done manually; see the ZRP_ModdingNotes.txt file.

What's different about this patch mod? See below. (This info will be moved
to gamedata\docs\PatchHistory.txt later.)

******* 2008/01/08 Changes in the 1.05 ZRP update: *******

Note: Not fully updated; see the ZRP_Test_ReadMe.txt file for other changes.

"The Zone Is Open" features a way to start the game anywhere. It includes a
rudimentary free-play option. See gamedata\docs\TheZoneIsOpen.txt.

Army Warehouses merc waypoint crash fixed. (Requires new game.)

Sakharov and Kruglov/Semenov no longer repeat their discussions.

Kruglov/Semenov no longer blocks the bunker door in Yantar.

Mole no longer repeats his "rescue" after you talk to him at the well.

The dialog with Seriy doesn't flash back to asking about Strelok post Agroprom.

Strelok quest completion notification is now more timely.

1.0004/1.0005/1.0006 compatibility installed by default.

Task relationship negatives are now processed correctly.

NPC torches (flashlights) are no longer added to the quest target list. Also,
they should not shine out of the ground any longer during the day.

More secrets and tasks and Red Forest snorks fixed, thanks to omero. Also,
Wolf won't give you tasks after he moves on.

Task manager is more configurable. Options include the basic Quest Overhaul by

For some of the following workarounds: Enable the ZRP debug mode by setting the
zrp_debug_enabled variable to true in _z.script*, then press ESC, D to toggle
the mode. This puts debug info on the game's screen.

Broken Sidorovich trader door workaround included: Press ESC, J in the Cordon
to get the Jump menu. Select Sidorovich to jump to his office. From there
you should be able to push open the door from the inside.

If that doesn't get you out of Sid's office: Debug mode must be enabled.
Face the trader door and press ESC D F. You will be outside Sid's office.
(This works going both ways. Just stand in front of the door.) Warning:
Save your game first! This teleport is dangerous; it is possible to fall out
of the map if misused. If you are going to use it, copy over the optional
script file _custom_zrp.script from the scripts\optional directory to the
scripts directory to enable the "Last Position" feature -- and you can also
temporarily record your locations with ESC P; see below.

Broken X18 Lab entrance workaround included: Debug mode must be enabled, and
you must have the keys from Barkeep and Borov. Face the X18 Lab entrance door
and press ESC followed by F. You will receive credit for the objective, and
you will be given a new one. And the door will be gone.

Broken Duty prison cell door workaround included: Debug mode must be enabled.
Face the cell door from within two meters, then press Esc followed by F. You
will be told to use your knife to break the door open, but you will have or
shortly get credit for completing the task.

Everywhere else, ESC D F will teleport you ahead two meters. This will allow
you to get past NPCs that block your path, or look inside doors that cannot be
opened. WARNING: This is very dangerous! Be sure to save your game before
attempting this. If you copy over the optional script file _custom_zrp.script,
you will be able to press ESC P prior to ESC D F in order to snapshot your
position for returning to it via ESC J. See the file TheZoneIsOpen.txt in the
gamedata\docs\ subdirectory.

Optional Screw and Capt. Ivantsov repair. Enable by setting the variables
allow_screw_repair/allow_ivantsov_repair to true in dialogs_military.script.*

Busted-crate spawns are less likely to fall through the floor.

Tushkano beep fix.

Ammo aggregation and anomaly evasion options included.

Better internationalization support. See docs\ZRP_105_TextChangeNotes.txt.

Better Smart Mod Manager compatibility.

*You can use the Modifier program to make these changes.

******* 2007/11/16 Changes in the 1.04c ZRP update: *******

This is a maintenance update to support 1.0005. There are some caveats:

The gamedata\config\system.ltx file has a parameter under [script] called
current_server_entity_version. This must be 6 when saving and loading games
under 1.0004, and 7 when saving/loading under 1.0005. NO EXCEPTIONS! These
are defaults in the normal patch installations, but some mods supply their
own versions.

Be careful when using the configuration tool to modify actor.ltx. You will
need to choose the correct version of system.ltx corresponding to your patch
version. While you can easily change the parameter above, using Revert
might restore the old version with the wrong value of the parameter. Please
check this before you play the game!

While 1.0004 saved games can be loaded into 1.0005, there is no backward
compatibility; 1.0005 games will not load properly into 1.0004.

******* 2007/11/09 Changes in the 1.04 ZRP update: *******

A new Modifier program is included to permit the quick selection of custom
options. It is in the gamedata directory. Just double-click it in Windows
Explorer to run it. Select the configuration file at the top, then select
options from the list on the left. Hover over fields for notes. Select
"Apply" to install the changes, "Revert" to restore the previous changes, and
"Default" to restore the system default configuration for the option. NOTE:
The program modifies files in the gamedata subdirectory, which will likely
require admin or power-user privileges.

The Dark Valley scam jeering no longer repeats after the first sale. (Requires
new game.)

Skull's group no longer repeats the examination and remarks over the bodies of
the Freedom group as you enter the Army Warehouses level from the Bar.
(Requires new game.)

You can now set the default idle time delay before a task can be re-offered.

A scrollbar slider button issue on searches was corrected, thanks to Fatrap.

A vanilla Dark Valley NPC hearing problem was fixed, thanks to omero.

A crash in vanilla that occurs when one does not defend the border from the
Monolith and then leaves and returns to the area, was fixed.

A rare "job not found" crash was fixed.

This version defaults to an experience that is more "vanilla" than previous
versions. Please use the Modifier program to further customize the game to
your liking, or see the ZRP_ModdingNotes.txt file to do it manually.

******* 2007/10/17 Changes in the 1.03 ZRP update: *******

Tuskanos are now considered enemies by human NPCs. A missing comma was added
to game_relations.ltx based on info found by Fatrap on the Russian forum.

The right-hand grid on searches now has more squares.

The hint on the Red Forest antennae location marker has been corrected.

Reduced the alertness range of most of the Cordon factory bandits to stop them
from being more interested in the bridge soldiers than the attackers amongst
them. This may need tweaking, and other situations will likely arise needing
similar attention.

More info in a smaller, cleaner format on the optional debug display.

Special thanks to Fatrap, Decane and silverpower for input to this update.

******* 2007/10/14 Changes in the 1.02 ZRP release: *******

Fixed an occasional crash when taking the documents from Ghost. The game gives
you credit for doing so when you search Ghost, and then again when you actually
take the documents, and the news manager would attempt to output a non-existent
objective. This was sometimes just garbage, and sometimes even a CTD.

Made the gameplay character files optional. The flashlights-in-the-floor fix
didn't work; the disconnected lights belong to the flashlights the NPCs have in
their inventory but are not currently using.

Included debug code for modders as a template for their own changes.

The beam of the optional ZRP flashlight has a longer reach.

******* ZRP Game Bug fixes: *******
1.05: Spots for Petruha's buddies, Agroprom soldiers (after detection). See
the ZRP_Test_ReadMe.txt file for other changes.

1.04c: Added support for 1.0005.

1.04: Repeating event fixes: Skull's group examines the Freedomer bodies only
once and the Dark Valley scam only goes down once. (*Requires new game.)

1.03: Tuskanos are now considered enemies of the human NPCs.

1.02: Fox won't immediately go into alert mode after you heal him.

1.02: Fewer location markers remain after quest completion. This may require
loading a game, saving, then loading the saved game. Let us know on others.

Helicopter noise ends in Dark Valley level at the end of the scripted fly-over
after returning from X18. (Yantar choppers fixed via all.spawn, below.)

The conversation with Bes in Garbage does not loop.

The +30 burn protection artifact is correctly called "Shell" instead of

The ecologist's mutant quests are fixed.

There are several new quests available, like the "Kill the stalker from the
Monolith faction" autoquest (no need for return) in Red Forest.

Max really gives you the Desert Eagle (Black Kite) when you complete a certain

The "Find X16 documents" marker tip no longer says "no hint".

You can exit the Agroprom tunnels either way and still get task completion
credit by the time you talk to the barkeep.

The wounded-NPC perfect-gun exploit fixed.

Many, many, many typos and bad translations (e.g., cellar instead of attic).

And of course, all the bug fixes in bardak's bug fix attempt. These include
the following:

Fixed quests: "Protect barrier from mutants", Lukash's Skull camp quest [with
NatVac update] (You can complete the "eliminate Skull group" quest even if you
save/reload in the middle of the fighting), Army Warehouse village bloodsucker

Fixed spawns: Some NPC "campfire BBQ" spawns, wrong Pripyat communities, wrong
Cordon bloodsucker smart terrain info, some NPC same-spot "collision" spawn

Reputation won't flip back and forth between excellent and terrible, so you can
more easily get a different Wish-Granter ending if desired.

No more marked-but-empty secret stashes.

Fanatic's rookie group now acts the way it is supposed to.

You can only get one secret at most from a corpse.

Also fixed: Duty reaction to firing at enemies in the Bar, a Pripyat crash,
corpse perfect-weapon exploit, and additional bugs.

Several other bfa crash fixes are now a part of the patches since 1.0004.

******* Game Bug fixes in all.spawn (requires new game): *******

1.05: Corrected typos reported by Alex-Tommy, barin, EggChen and others. See
the ZRP_Test_ReadMe.txt file for other changes.

1.05: Added level changers and tweaks to support free play, TZIO.

1.05: Fixed merc camp waypoint crash in Army Warehouses.

1.05: Removed ability to change levels from wrong side of gate in Dark Valley
to the Cordon. (Reported by Snowball.)

1.05: Made certain Agroprom soldiers behave on HUD mini-map like the rest.

1.02: Removed teleport at end of Pripyat stadium cutscene; you no longer
immediately change levels to Chernobyl NPP after the stadium cutscene.

1.02: Skull's quest to kill the sniper will now fail if Skull is killed first.

1.02: Fixed ducking-causes-level-change near guard tower in northeast corner
of military base in southwest Agroprom.

1.02: Fixed return from Dark Valley to Garbage; no more prompt to return to DV.

1.02: Removed helicopter noise from Yantar level after scripted attack on

bfa: Fixed merc attack on stalker campsite in Army warehouses, re-broken by
patch 1.0004 after being fixed in 1.0003 bfa.

bfa: Fixed controller spawns in Pripyat (typos fixed).

bfa: Fixed boars camp in the Garbage.

******* Annoyances addressed: *******

Bar guard, bar drunk, Snitch, bar bouncer, and Sakharov no longer repeat those
phrases. Others can be added; see ZRP_ModdingNotes.txt.

It is easier to select "eat" or "use" on the right-mouse-button popup menu in

Over-the-top background battle sounds in Pripyat silenced or replaced with

******* Interface changes: *******

Quick named save: There is a menu button on the Save screen that permits you to
make a quick "levelname_datestamp" save almost as quickly as quicksave. I
recommend using this feature at the beginning of a level and just before going
to another level. If you find making named saves inconvenient, it also helps to
"snapshot" your progress from time to time, like just before and just after a
major quest.

1.02: The keyboard shortcut for this quick named save is Esc, S. The Esc
(escape) key brings up the main menu, and S then saves the game and closes
the menu.

When discussing quests with quest-givers like Sid or the Barkeep, you can now
bypass a quest that you do not wish to do. Just select the quest, and its
description will appear with the possible rewards. Now there will be three menu
choices instead of two. The new third choice is "I do not want that task."
Selecting this choice will defer the task until the idle_time has elapsed, at
least one day. You can then select the next task in line, if one is available
from the same category.

Quests and secrets are marked by colored text. Quest updates are now added to
the Message History.

Inventory, trade, and corpse and stash search screens have more squares on the
grids to reduce scrolling.

PDA Log and Message History links are lowered to above the main link bar. While
this is not currently aesthetic, it is extremely functional. If you don't like
it, see ZRP_ModdingNotes.txt.

The "Last save" option is moved to the top of the initial menu.

Quitting the game from the main menu does not prompt you for confirmation, nor
does loading the last save after being killed (duh).

Save game name field lowered.

For modders: Some added debug support. Press ESC followed by TAB to toggle
rs_stats, and press ESC followed by D to toggle the on-screen actor location
data in the upper right. Adjust it for your own needs.

******* Gameplay changes: *******

Many of these features are easily changed by the Modifier program.

Optional: Weapons are much less frequently dropped by NPCs (non-playing
characters); instead the weapon is stored in the backpack. Exceptions are
unique weapons, quest items, rocket launchers and gauss guns. Regular weapons
will be dropped when NPCs die while reloading or "transitioning" the weapon.
Note: See the ZRP_ModdingNotes.txt file to change this, or use the Modifier
program. (Default is normal dropped weapons.)

Corpses disappear after four configurable game hours, after you leave a level.

Quests have a three-day default time limit, but changing this is as simple as
changing a number in a text file. It can be two days, 10 days, or no time limit
(0). Some additional quests have been re-enabled or fixed. Auto-quests also
have a separate time limit, defaulting to 0 -- no time limit. Generally, until
you claim the reward, the quest will not be re-issued. There are fewer
auto-quests; the former "eliminate camp" auto-quests are now available from the
quest's source via dialog. You can also disable auto-quests entirely. Sid's
auto-quests do not need returns for reward.

You can also set the time that must elapse before a quest can be given again.

Many more quests, and more coming with efforts from others.

Secrets are generally less boring to read. (Yeah, I know -- that's not saying

Secrets show the zone where they can be found with a level abbreviation prefix
in your PDA's Message History. The notice will stay on the screen a bit longer
when you get the secret, and you can make it longer or shorter. (Stash contents
listing is optional.) Stash emptying also shows what secret you are claiming.

Zombies run from grenades a lot more slowly.

You can complete the Strelok quest. (Requires new game.)

Skinflint will offer you the village bloodsucker quest even if you have talked
to the cook.

Ammo found on bodies in later levels are more likely to be armor-piercing. If
you encounter a rocket launcher dude, he is more likely to have rockets in his
backpack. (Optional; enabled by default)

Other optional enhancements (NOT DEFAULT):

There can be more combatants in later levels who use armor-piercing ammo.
(Requires new game and optional gameplay files moved out of the
gameplay\optional directory)

Wolf can start off with an AK74 and AP ammo. He can use it later in the game.
Fox can get a better shotgun, but it doesn't help him much. (Requires new game
and OPTIONAL gameplay files moved out of the gameplay\optional directory)

******* Under the covers: *******

Slightly less memory usage, due to some optimizations. There should be somewhat
less lag later in the game, since no-longer-needed resources are removed more

The check for critical items during inventory changes is much more efficient.
You should see a difference in some level transitions; synchronizing should be
a bit faster. Note: The IG2007/Dunin ammo fix might slow this down a bit.

Special Note: A lot of issues are still not fixed. Quite a few may not ever be
fixed without an official game engine update. But a few should be correctable
via modifications to scripts, configuration files, and the all.spawn
configuration file.

******* Some known but currently unresolved issues: *******

Some "crash to desktop" (CTD) problems are not fixed and may require an engine
change to eliminate them. See the docs\ZRP_ModdingNotes.txt file for details.

Patch 1.0004 has some instabilities introduced with the relaxed smart_terrains
and the deferred object processing in a separate thread. Some results are
benign, like late smoke puffs and out-of-sync movies*, while others result in
a crash to desktop, like the destruction of an object while an NPC is trying
to evaluate it, or an NPC or creature getting "lost" and unable to find a
waypoint. Although these are rare, please save often, and use the quick named
save feature every so often to permit you to find a game that works if the
waypoint problem occurs.

When you break a metal box or crate, items will fall from the broken container,
and if you are on an upper floor, they will fall to a floor below. A fix is in
place to improve the situation.

Bodies will occasionally collide with the floor and disappear. They can still
be searched; move over the spot in the HUD radar. You may even be able to pick
them up via Shift-Use (default: Shift-F or Shift-Enter).

Climbing a ladder will put away rifles. Changing levels when climbing a ladder
will put you on the new level with binoculars in this case. Tip: Sometimes
jumping up in front of the ladder (e.g., below Mole's Agroprom entrance) will
restore the slot-2 weapon in the next level.

The blue bar for psy health in inventory is the same color as the armor bar in
the main heads-up display (HUD).

Items are always dropped from the inventory screen in the player's 0,0,1
direction (usually to the north of the player).

Occasionally you might pass through a radiation zone and collide (maybe via
jumping) with a radioactive source, so that you become permanently affected by
radiation. The only treatment is to load a saved game from prior to the

Dark Valley (and the Cordon) can have broken switches. In the Cordon, the
trader Sidorovich has a door that might not work; this is minor and can be
worked around by bumping it. But if the Dark Valley switches don't work, this
can be corrected in 1.0004 either via a reload of the Garbage level prior to
going to Dark Valley or by special patch, which can provide you with the needed
"keys" (info_portion flags) that the doors would normally provide. (NOTE: This
debug feature is now available as of 1.05.)

The disconnected lights are associated with the flashlights of the NPCs. They
remove the light during the day, but the lamp is not turned off, so it shines
out of the location where the NPC spawned. If you kill the NPC, the light goes
away. (NOTE: 080224 - possibly fixed with hack as of 1.05 test r4.)

The loosened "smart terrains" for creatures and NPCs in version 1.0004 results
in extra alertness by NPCs. They won't talk to you until the threat is removed.
Some quests will be harder to complete because the associated targets are
either temporarily out of the zone or new members of the target group have come
onto the level elsewhere.

At least two levels, l10u_bunker (the X19 Brain Scorcher underground level) and
l12u_sarcofag (the NPP Sarcophagus level), are missing occlusion maps. This
means that the bad guys can hear you through walls, and they can shoot you
through walls.

*Deferred object creation in separate threads in 1.0004 results in late smoke
puffs from gunfire impacts, or even (in multi-core processor configurations)
late spawning of NPCs and creatures, resulting in out-of-sync video or strange

This is an ongoing work. Constructive feedback, bug reports and suggestions for
fixing things should be posted on the GSC forum in the Mod Discussion section.
See the link to the forum above.

There are many whose inputs have driven this patch and provided input. Most of
them are the congenial and helpful folks who post on the GSC STALKER forum. In
alpha order, I thank BAC9-FLCL, bardak, barin, BobBQ, Ceano, Claysoft'65,
Cpt. Borovich, datoo, DC-, Decane, Darius6, DevochkaApokalipsisa, dezodor,
Don Reba, EggChen, ERForman, Fatrap, fitzroy_doll, fiznerpin1962, FreeKiller,
gannebamm, gl25nn, Gr1ph00n, hawk318, Jketiynu, Kanyhalos, Koki, Kosmokrator,
lowenz, Melodic, motiv-8, nandersen, narr, Nightwatch, Niphty, NoMore, omero,
onionradish, Paul Jay, pesen, PiIsARational, Racemate, rockingmtranch,
romulous, russao, Serensius, Shadow State, silverpower, SiriusStarr, Siro,
Snowball, Spaceghost, Stierlitz, Tejas Slacker, TSL16b, udm, Victim, ZaGaR,
among the very many who have helped. --NatVac


The major portion of this work is copyrighted by GSC Game World, and is
included here by their sufferance with the understanding that it will only be
used with a legally-licensed copy of "S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl".

You are free to use this mod or portions of it for any non-profit use as long
as you give credit to the party or parties responsible for the portions you


MM_AS_Demo ReadMe file

This is a feature demo for the ZRP 1.05 RC1 release candidate,
prepackaged with a few minimods. As with the ZRP, it is intended
for use with patch 1.0004 or later. This version is currently
English only.

There is more work coming, primarily improved documentation.

Included mods:
Warpig's MP5 retexture, for a special weapon.
The MonoMartyrs Seek Revenge (NatVac)
Artifact Swap (NatVac)
Decane's Quest Overhaul (NatVac modified), with icon image
Explosives Carry (NatVac from NoMore info)
nandersen's tweak for widescreen inventory

EggChen's revamped particles.xr (default -- remove if
you want to use his Particle Enhancement mod)
The standard ZRP mods (See the ZRP readme.txt files.)
Captain Ivantsov (Duty) can repair, just like Screw.

For use by modders, experimenters, folks who want essentially
vanilla but don't want to stop playing, rich wimps rolling in
rubles who don't mind exchanging it all for a little more
toughness and a lot less work.

Not for use by Nymlits. May be modded as needed, but care must
be exercised. No warranty is expressed or implied. Discontinue
use if irritation develops. THIS IS NOT VANILLA, so keep out of
the reach of pure-vanilla fans. Think of it as vanilla with a
twist of lime and a dash of habanero pepper.

FPS fans: Use the Alt1 actor.ltx. See the _custom_items.ltx and
unique_items.ltx files for more tweaks.

New to STALKER? You should re-enable certain tweaks to know why
they were disabled in the ZRP mod patch. See ZRP_ReadMe.txt and
the "Non-vanilla defaults you can change", below. You should
also read ZRP_Test_ReadMe.txt.

New to the ZRP? Please read the ZRP documents as well; there are
useful tips there, like using Esc S to make quick named saves.

Installation instructions:
First, BACK UP your existing gamedata -- you can rename it if you
want -- and your savegames.

While a new game is recommended -- you can start with a decent
loadout and the MonoMartyrs via the Free Play chapter of the TZIO
(The Zone Is Open) feature -- it MAY be possible to use a saved
game if it is pure vanilla (patch 1.0004 or later) or pure ZRP.

Please note that vanilla saves do not have complete free-play
level teleport support. You will NOT need to start a new game if
you wish to continue playing after completing the normal game,
but several fixes and features will not be available.

This mod should be compatible with plain ZRP savegames, starting
with 1.05 R6. It is recommended that you start a new game if you
were not using the R10 or an R11 release candidate all.spawn.

It is probably not compatible with Decane's Quest Overhaul mod,
as it has its own version based on it.

You can use the Smart Mod Manager to install this mod. Give it
priority; in fact, you should initially uninstall the other mods
and try this one out by itself. Read the ZRP readme.txt file for
details or for manual installation instructions.

Finally, use the Modifier program or follow the info in the
Modifier config files to adapt the game to your preferences.
There are quite a few more choices than in ZRP 1.05 R10.

*** *** *** "IMPoTeNT" NOTES *** *** ***

NOTE: The SMM does not copy over the Modifier program. You can
either make the changes with it and then use the SMM to install
the preconfigured ZRP mod, or you can copy the Modifier program
to the gamedata subdirectory and make changes there. Note that
FileChoice changes (denoted by a red warning) may not be
compatible without merging, something the SMM does well. You
might want to make any File Choice changes first, install with
SMM, then tweak the game as desired for the rest of the options.

Also NOTE: The SMM program makes changes to the text of files
that it merges. While these changes do not impact the game
itself, the Modifier may not be able to match the strings it
expects. In this case, you can extract the ZRP archive
separately and configure it via Modifier prior to installation,
or install it manually, or (with great care) copy over/merge the
needed files from the ZRP archive after installation.

NOTE: The Skinflint/Murk bloodsucker tasks, if already started,
may exhibit some strangeness with the task objective changes in
this update. You should be able to complete the task.

*** *** *** "IMPoTeNT" NOTES End *** *** ***

Defaults you should not casually remove:
The MonoMartyrs Seek Revenge (can be disabled/tweaked)
Artifact Swap (see Skinflint; can be disabled)
Quest Overhaul (with a couple of new late-game quests)
Explosives Carry minimod
New darker background and roomier image for inventory
New darker background and roomier image for search/trade

Non-vanilla defaults you can change:
Debug mode is pre-enabled in this release candidate.
Search/trade density for non-widescreen users
Unique weapons don't deteriorate.
Smaller PDA marker for the Marked One.
Info is now given if crate or case had items.
Zombies appear as regular enemies on mini-map.
Real gun names are used.
First-shot accuracy is shown when viewing gun stats.
Outfit descriptions include stats.
Nightvision sound is quieter.
Radiation areas don't turn your view white.
Knife is quieter, has slightly longer reach.
Environmental sounds are less frequent.
Annoying sound repetition is disabled.
You can skip CGI movies via Esc.
Time of day now also visible on HUD.

Changes in 090912 RC1 release over ZRP 1.05 R11 090429:
See the docs\ZRP_1.05_RC1_Fixes.txt file for A LOT more details.

* Free play support even if you don't start a new game. (NatVac)
* Another named quicksave via Esc F5 or Esc F6. (NatVac)

ZRP 1.05 RC1 fixes:
* No more sticky location markers. (Mr. Fusion)
* Logical marker management. (Mr. Fusion)
* Skinflint/Murk task exploit removed. (Mr. Fusion)
* Cases/crates have improved item spawning. (NatVac)
* Ironsight zoom of Storming Obokan/Abakan fixed. (NatVac)
* Some additional widescreen fixes. (Kosmokrator, NatVac)
* Ivantsov is no longer quirky about repair. (Mr. Fusion)

* The Live Stalker Ranking support has been updated. (Mr. Fusion)
* Tushkanos are now more resistant to electricity. (NatVac per
Mr. Fusion)
* You can now trade with Cap before the initial Barrier attack.
(NatVac per BobBQ)
* Disabled Rostok helicopter flame fix for now. (NatVac)
* Drop-a-medkit tweaked to include walking wounded. Reach
on drop extended to 3 meters. (NatVac)
* New level changers added as you go, except late game LCs.
All unadded LCs are added when you complete the game. (NatVac)
* Optional save game prefix helps group your saves. (NatVac)

Modifier changes (NatVac):
* A preliminary Tweaks configuration has been added.
* The save_prefix configuration is part of New Game Tweaks.

Debug Changes (NatVac):
* The direction algorithm is improved.
* Esc D A and Esc D B work differently.
* If there are no more targets, jump-to-unsearched-body and
jump-to-wounded do not set a new return position. (NatVac
per romulous)
* Esc D H checks the health of the NPC directly ahead.
* Esc D Home remotely checks NPC bodies, gets stuff.
* Esc D N destroys inventory weapons in a nearby NPC.
* Esc F2, Esc F3, Esc F4 combo commands added.
Again, PLEASE see docs\DebugSupportChanges.txt.

Changes in 090429 release over ZRP 1.05 R11 090206:
* New level changers added upon normal game completion.
* Intra-level jumps added to support new level changers.
* Game clock on HUD (optional, default).
* Two more anomalies removed for free play:
Springboard on Cordon road near Fox
Springboard in front of Garbage Hangar
* SMM image file, courtesy nandersen

Debug Changes (PLEASE see DebugSupportChanges.txt):
* Alter game time: Absolute: 1X to 10000X Real Time
* Alter game time: Relative: 1/10X, 10X current (nandersen)
* New level changers addable via key sequence.
* Position snapshot now includes all.spawn dest_position info.
* "Debug Get" reach extended from 50 to 75 meters.
* "Debug collect" now also grabs outfits, medkits, etc.

Demo fixes:
* Storming SIG typo corrected.
* Removed three test script files: xr_camper.script,
xr_combat.script, xr_combat_camper.script
* _z.on_item_drop()'s autorepair of uniques is commented out.
* Fedeyin's unique Berill suit can no longer be traded to
stalkers. (nandersen)

ZRP R11 fixes:
* Intermittent dialog crash if Ivantsov repair not enabled.
* Murk task had wrong individual marked on map. (BobBQ)
* Couldn't carry bodies while wearing Duty SEVA suit.
(EggChen, ZaGaR)
* Sarcophagus voices weren't muted after "good ending".
* Hand Radio inventory image took two squares. (Racemate)
* Wide-screen dialog choices didn't properly word-wrap.
* Crate content notices didn't translate item names.
* Voronin, Petrenko could not be quieted. (romulous)

* Knife reach extended from 1.4 to 1.6.
* G36 (GP37) returned to vanilla accuracy/deterioration.
* The inventory background is less opaque.
* Some UI message on-screen locations tweaked.
* You can now trade with Petruha's buddies. (BobBQ)
* Custom items no longer default to quest_item.
* Ammo NPC trade file (trade_generic.ltx) now default.
* Some vanilla files tweaked to get past SMM filtering.
* Red75's Stalkers Are Not Blind no longer uses odds.
(Should be better in non-combat situations.)
* Explosives now correctly labeled, internationalizable.

ZRP 1.05 R11 All.spawn changes:
* Rare vanilla Agroprom waypoint CTD fixed.

Modifier changes:
* Time of day toggle in Experimental.cfg.
* You can now enable the MonoMartyrs early, before completing
the game.

Changes in 090206 release over ZRP 1.05 R10:
Tweaks and typo corrections based on Don Reba's LTX syntax
checker have been incorporated.

Raw's widescreen inventory gets an update. (nandersen)

Duty gets equal time with Freedom: Captain Ivantsov can also
repair weapons and armor, just like Screw, if the option is
enabled. However, Captain Ivantsov is moody in this release. If
he doesn't offer the opportunity for repair, keep trying. (NatVac
implementation of a BobBQ solution to a motiv-8 recommendation.)

The MonoMartyrs seek revenge. This requires that you either
complete the normal game with the "good" ending, or enable free
play AND go through the last cutscene. You can do this by
teleporting to the final level, north of the NPP) using Esc T F
and then jumping to the Cordon exit via Esc J C. Please see
MonoMartyr.cfg.txt (the MonoMartyr.cfg Config Notes for the
Modifier program) for more details. (NatVac, fatrap for the
strangers idea, future enhancements by nandersen, others)

A few anomalies are removed in free play mode to support better
NPC existence. Just load a save from the final level and get the
cutscene. Or you can start a new game, use Esc T F to teleport to
the final level, then use Esc J C to get the final cutscene and
the message "The Zone is Open". You can add to the anomaly
removal list, and you can also remove anomalies directly while in
the game, although in that case you'll need to save/reload for
the change to take effect. (NatVac, from bardak's acdc.pl, IG2007
comments, and a couple of Ru Team lines of code.)

You can swap good artifacts for better ones with Skinflint; you
might want to keep him alive for now. Bring lots of every kind of
artifact, and LOTS of money. There's a storage box nearby under
the stairs. (NatVac, with a form of barin's uber-artifact)

The Wild Territory (Rostok) minimap is fixed. The helicopter
fires on that level are removed after something happens in
Yantar. The chopper still glows, though. (NatVac)

The Monolith and the zombied have been commanded to collect any
valuable artifacts they find, and the ones from Red Forest onward
have about a one percent chance of having found one or more. And
when the Scorcher drops, the military aren't above picking up
what they find (one percent), and of course the loners along with
the Duty and Freedom guys really ransack the place. (This last
change is due to a fix correcting the odds calculation in a
vanilla script, a bug found by Alex-Tommy. Blame NatVac for the

Note: Odds are aggregate. The odds of finding a particular
good artifact on an NPC in Red Forest and beyond are 1 in 200
for loners, Duty, Freedom and mercs, and 1 in 1000 for Monolith,
zombies and military.

The same script fix was applied to boxes. In vanilla, anything
with a chance lower than 10 in 1000 (<1%) was rounded to a zero
percent chance. This includes your nice stuff like weapons (e.g.,
FN F2000 had a 0.3% chance in dungeon boxes) and many the top end
artifacts. For example, Night Star, Goldfish, Moonlight, Urchin,
Mica, and Crystal each had a 0.9% chance in generic boxes in the
Bar and levels west and north of the Bar, but you'd never get
them at all in vanilla. (NatVac)

You can revisit the NPP levels for continued exploration after
completing the game with the good ending. The ground radiation
and the blowout are removed.

In this mod, the Monolith attacking the barrier don't run out
of 9x39 ammo if they have VLAs (AS Vals). The Monolith and
northern zombies are usually equipped with AP ammo.

Many debug enhancements and changes. See the corresponding
document, mentioned below.

Fixed as of ZRP 1.05 test release 11 (includes other ZRP fixes):
This is not an exhaustive list yet.

Stalkers no longer die in campfires when switched online.
(bardak, et alia)

Quests complete the way they are supposed to. (bardak, with minor
fixes by others)

No more empty secret stashes. (bardak)

Tushkanos are treated as the vermin they are by the NPCs.
(Russian forum fix by way of fatrap)

Fanatic's Cordon rookies hide before the Mercenary attack, not
after. (bardak)

Typos in all.spawn kept things from working. (Alex-Tommy, barin,
Cpt. Borovich, dezodor, Don Reba, EggChen, fatrap, NatVac, omero,

Tuskanos no longer beep. (NatVac)

Tushkano encyclopedia entry is fixed. (NatVac per Mr. Fusion)

Your reputation doesn't swing wildly between excellent and
terrible. (NatVac)

You can heal stalkers that were wounded without "Gimme a medkit"
dialogs, or worse, would otherwise crash the game. Just drop a
medkit nearby. You get the exact same benefit (friendship with
neutrals, reputation credit) as if you had healed him via dialog.
You must be within two meters of the spot (usually based on the
feet), and it is momentarily disabled for stalkers that first
require healing via dialog (e.g., Tolik, Fox). (NatVac)

You can no longer engage in trade with a wounded stalker. (XiaNi)

You can complete the Strelok quest. (NatVac)

Lights don't shine out of the ground during the day. (NatVac)

Possible crash when killing Yurik's robbers at Garbage entry
(copy/paste bug) fixed. (NatVac per Alex-Tommy)

Exiting the way you entered the Agroprom tunnels now immediately
completes the "Find your way out of the underground" objective.

Rostok HUD minimap works correctly. (NatVac, fatrap)

You can go by the tracks in Rostok to save Kruglov without
getting the flyby cutscene later. (NatVac)

You can complete the Lukash mission to kill Skull's group even if
you save and reload in the middle of the battle. (bardak, NatVac)

If Skull dies when you are working on the "kill the sniper"
mission, the mission fails (instead of sticking around
unfinished). (NatVac)

Army Warehouses Merc camp waypoint no longer causes a crash.

Returning to AW from Red Forest no longer causes a crash if you
didn't defend the border from the Monolith. (NatVac)

Most typos in the dialogs and secrets have been fixed, including
misleading references to "cellar". (And some of the secrets are
now worth reading.) (NatVac)

Marked One's position while underground should now match reality
in the PDA. Sometimes, you'll see secrets and tasks marked
correctly there as well. (NatVac)

Icons for impact and shock protection in inventory suit
statistics are swapped to match other uses like artifact stats.
(NatVac; done just knowing someone else had already done it)

You have a chance of finding better artifacts on the bodies of
loners, Dutyers, Freedomers and others in Red Forest and points
north. Config files had this, but script support was broken.

You now have a real chance of getting rare items in crates later
in the game. The ph_box_items_*.ltx files had items that had odds
of less than 10 in 1000, but the script truncated anything below
1 in 100 to zero chance. (NatVac)

Fire-protection "battery" is correctly marked "Shell" (NatVac)

Ecologist's mutant parts quests are fixed. (fatrap, NatVac,

Fixed Sniper TRS301 (Sniper ZM LR-300ML) zoom, as it was using
ironsight zoom instead of SUSAT scope zoom. (NatVac)

Removing your items from a stash no longer prevents its possible
use as a future secret stash. (NatVac)

Again: This list is not yet exhaustive.

Requires new game with r11 all.spawn (versus r10):

Fox and Guide are not bothered by the dogs from the first attack
once you kill them. Also, the smart terrain for the dogs (located
right in the house) is disabled once you handle the threat.

The R11 all.spawn RC3 is included. Changes over RC1:
* Rare Agroprom military base waypoint crash fixed. (NatVac)
* NW Garbage hangar guard is moved a bit so you can walk up the
stairs. (BobBQ)

Other Features:
The Zone Is Open (TZIO) permits one to pick up the game at any
chapter in the story, even after the story ends (aka "free
play"). (NatVac, awesome teleport dialogs by TSL16b)

You can also jump instantly to various points on each level.
Please see the file TheZoneIsOpen.txt in docs\ZRP_docs.

The Modifier program for configuring STALKER to your liking. A
new version of the program is included. It now has a mod
compatibility warning about the FileChoice options, and it
supports an additional Alias keyword for Fields. There are a few
more configuration options.

Known issues:

The Tab key to show the current task might show the previous task
instead, late in the game or after you complete the normal game.

I've noticed slightly more "fugue" state NPCs than normal in a
couple of camps. Save/reload should fix them, although they just
seem to be lost in thought and you can still talk to some. It may
have to do with a bad transition from handling a threat to
returning to "kamp" mode.

Twice during playtesting, I've encountered a situation where I
couldn't select any inventory during the searching of bodies.
Saving and reloading fixed this. Tossing my weapon also fixed it.


A couple of stalkers can mess up a eliminate-the-camp quest by
joining the camp while they are held offline. An example: Poker
can become part of the Rostok bandits if you don't go to Dark
Valley first, but he is not switched online until you deal with

See the following files in the gamedata\docs subdirectory for
much more information:

DebugSupportChanges.txt (lots of new features)

A reminder: "! Unknown command: dbg:_" followed by text in your
console log is just a debug statement. Look at it to know what
it is about. Usually it is just informative, as when guns are
moved into bodies or crates are broken (with crate debug mode)
or a mapspot removal is deferred.

Please report any new issues on the forum sites mentioned in the
ZRP readme file.

Skopiuj folder gamedata do katalogu ze Stalkerem.
Jeśli nie instalowałeś wcześniej żadnych modów to otwórz plik fsgame.ltx i zmień linijkę:
$game_data$ = false| true| $fs_root$|
$game_data$ = true| true| $fs_root$|

Możliwość łatwej edycji wielkości siatki w zasobniku
(to był jedyny powód instalacji):

Mocno rozbudowane narzędzie do modyfikacji wielu parametrów:


Możliwość przenoszenia materiałów wybuchowych:

DOWNLOAD - http://www.metacognix.com/files/stlkrsoc/index.html
(podaję adres srony domowej, ponieważ jest tam dużo dodatków oraz fixów do moda)

Uwagi moderatora:

Nazwę moda tagujemy w nawiasy kwadratowe! ;) Jak chcesz, możesz coś dopisać... Poprawiłem. - xKoweKx
Mam pirata!
Awatar użytkownika

Posty: 827
Dołączenie: 25 Paź 2009, 13:18
Ostatnio był: 07 Sie 2010, 12:16
Ulubiona broń: --
Kozaki: 45

Reklamy Google

Re: [Zone Reclamation Project]

Postprzez utak3r w 20 Sty 2010, 16:25

Ja tylko dodam, że po pierwsze to jest jeden z najstarszych modów ;) a po drugie, to on jest prawie że oficjalny ;)
Polecam go wszystkim tym, którzy nie chcą zwykłych modów. ZRP można potraktować jako kolejną łatkę.
Awatar użytkownika

Posty: 2200
Dołączenie: 11 Lis 2009, 18:15
Ostatnio był: 31 Lip 2023, 16:01
Miejscowość: Szczecin
Frakcja: Powinność
Ulubiona broń: GP 37
Kozaki: 376

Re: [Zone Reclamation Project]

Postprzez LSkiper w 27 Paź 2015, 18:23

Po 1. Odkop stulecia :caleb:

A po drugie: Instaluj moda jak bozia każe, bo nikt ci tu nie pomoże jak masz jakieś instalatory modów od kolegi z Zanzibaru :suchar:

Uwagi moderatora:

Z tego co wiem, jeśli zadaje pytanie, to nie wyczerpuje definicji odkopu, a treściwie kontynuuje temat. Popraw jak się mylę. -Uni
MSI B450A Pro MAX/Ryzen 7 5800X3D/MSI Radeon RX 6700XT/32GB DDR4 3600MHz/2TB WD Blue + 2TB SSD/Logitech MX Master/W10/Cooler Master MWE Gold V2 750W
Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra

Za ten post LSkiper otrzymał następujące punkty reputacji:
Negative Cromm Cruac, JE Józio Biden, Pangia, Koma, PainChiller.
Awatar użytkownika

Posty: 318
Dołączenie: 19 Gru 2011, 23:27
Ostatnio był: 16 Sie 2024, 14:31
Miejscowość: Posen
Frakcja: Samotnicy
Ulubiona broń: Vintar BC
Kozaki: 38

Re: [Zone Reclamation Project]

Postprzez JE Józio Biden w 27 Paź 2015, 21:02

LSkiper napisał(a):Po 1. Odkop stulecia :caleb:

Awatar użytkownika
JE Józio Biden

Posty: 339
Dołączenie: 30 Lis 2014, 15:04
Ostatnio była: 10 Wrz 2024, 03:00
Miejscowość: Moje hobby: obciąganie kutasów
Frakcja: Wojskowi Stalkerzy
Ulubiona broń: SVUmk2
Kozaki: 112

Re: [Zone Reclamation Project]

Postprzez rafcze1 w 23 Cze 2018, 12:55

Czy ktoś wie skąd można pobrać Zone Reclamation Project?

(1) Strona natywna http://www.metacognix.com/stlkrsoc/ ledwo działa - z pliku 6Mb ściągnąłem... 600Kb. Przez 3 dni.
(2) Nie ma tego na moddb.com
(3) Chodzi mi dokładnie o plik "ZRP_1.07_R5RC_150408" rozszerzenie 7z. albo zip.

Może ktoś ma to u siebie u mógłby udostępnić jakimś dropboxem?

Posty: 5
Dołączenie: 18 Lip 2017, 22:42
Ostatnio był: 26 Sie 2018, 14:51
Frakcja: Samotnicy
Ulubiona broń: Storming Obokan
Kozaki: 1

Re: [Zone Reclamation Project]

Postprzez KoweK w 23 Cze 2018, 13:57

U mnie ściągnęło w 10 sekund, łap reupload: https://www92.zippyshare.com/v/Wm6NiUmh/file.html
"kowunio jest stalkerem ubranym w sweter ochronny "wschód słońca" szukającym artefaktów w zonie szczecińskiej
legenda głosi, że zdołał ominąć korki i dostać się do centrum - żyły złota"


Za ten post KoweK otrzymał następujące punkty reputacji:
Positive rafcze1.
Awatar użytkownika
Główny Administrator

Posty: 5662
Dołączenie: 10 Cze 2005, 14:49
Ostatnio był: 20 Wrz 2024, 13:41
Frakcja: Bandyci
Ulubiona broń: Vintar BC
Kozaki: 1475

Re: [Zone Reclamation Project]

Postprzez rafcze1 w 03 Lip 2018, 22:04

Chciałem zagrać w standardowy Shadow of Chernobyl ale bez bugów i z możliwością naprawy broni.

Tymczasem o godz 22:00 w grze "na zewnątrz" np. w Kordonie jest tak widno jak widać na screenie, latarka nie jest potrzebna.
Natomiast w podziemiach jest już "normalnie" ciemno jak w d...

Pytanie czy tak powinno być? Wydawało mi się, że Vaniliowym Stalkerze latarka nocą potrzebna była także na powierzchni ziemi żeby było coś widać?
Nie posiadasz wymaganych uprawnień, by zobaczyć pliki załączone do tej wiadomości.

Posty: 5
Dołączenie: 18 Lip 2017, 22:42
Ostatnio był: 26 Sie 2018, 14:51
Frakcja: Samotnicy
Ulubiona broń: Storming Obokan
Kozaki: 1

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