Iwanassassin napisał(a):Miałem to samo. Idź na wysypisko i od razu jak wczyta się lokacja to z powrotem do Baru. Wszyscy wtedy powinni być na miejscu w jednym z hangarów.
Expression : fatal error
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
File : script_engine.cpp
Line : 75
Description : <no expression>
Arguments : LUA error: .... - lost alpha\gamedata\scripts\xr_conditions.script:363: attempt to index local 'sobj' (a nil value)
XR_3DA.exe caused BREAKPOINT in module "G:\S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha\bins\xrCore.dll" at 0023:65044168, xrDebug::backend()+168 byte(s)
EAX=1C265CF8 EBX=6C4DA8D8 ECX=002D9D17 EDX=00000001
ESI=6506D348 EDI=00000006 FLG=00200212
EBP=002DABF0 ESP=002D9BE8 EIP=65044168
CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
AMDAPPSDKROOT=C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP\
CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files
MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\plugins\
Path=C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP\bin\x86_64;C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD APP\bin\x86;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSystem\
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=AMD64 Family 16 Model 4 Stepping 3, AuthenticAMD
ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files (x86)
ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)
ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files
* Detected CPU: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor [AuthenticAMD], F15/M4/S3, 3214.00 mhz, 74-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3
* CPU threads: 4
Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
FS: 53482 files cached, 7831Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 1.396087 sec
Lost Alpha 'xrCore' build 5630, Jul 5 2014
EH: 2C94337ED1210C91CACAF0359300E8AC
Initializing Engine...
Starting INPUT device...
Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll
Loading DLL: xrRender_R3.dll
refCount:m_pAdapter 1
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[l:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
Loading DLL: xrRender_R1.dll
Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
* [win32]: free[4061616 K], reserved[52244 K], committed[80380 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[17054 K], process heap[17054 K], game lua[0 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[7373 K], smem[0 K]
SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices...
SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present
devices DirectSound Software
SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is DirectSound Software
SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices:
1. DirectSound Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default) eax[0] efx[no] xram[no]
Executing config-script "l:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[l:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
Executing config-script "l:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\gamedata\config\rspec_default.ltx"...
! Unknown command: ;please
! Unknown command: ;aa
[l:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\gamedata\con] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "l:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[l:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_break'
~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000]-[1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000]
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r2_aa_weight'
~ Valid arguments: vector3 in range [0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000,0.000000e+000]-[1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000,1.000000e+000]
! Unknown command: r2_sun_far
[l:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
SOUND: Selected device is DirectSound Software
* sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent
* sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
Starting RENDER device...
* GPU [vendor:1002]-[device:9440]: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
* GPU driver:
* CREATE: DeviceREF: 1
* Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE
* Texture memory: 2786 M
* DDI-level: 9.0
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16
* NVAPI is missing.
* Starting rendering as 2-GPU.
* DVB created: 1536K
* DIB created: 512K
! Version conflict in shader 'la_shaders\ufp_blend'
! Version conflict in shader 'particles\add'
! Version conflict in shader 'particles\alpha_add'
! Version conflict in shader 'particles\blend'
! Version conflict in shader 'particles\blend_hard'
! Version conflict in shader 'particles\dark'
! Version conflict in shader 'particles\set'
count of .thm files=1034
* distortion: used, dev(30),need(14)
* color_mapping: used, dev(30),need(14)
* SSample: 1920x1080
compiling shader postprocess
compiling shader postprocess_d
compiling shader postprocess_cm_pre
* SSample: enabled
compiling shader particle
compiling shader particle
compiling shader particle_distort
- r__tf_aniso 6
- r1_tf_mipbias 0.
compiling shader simple_color
compiling shader portal
compiling shader editor
Script debugger succesfully restarted.
compiling shader sky2
compiling shader sky2
compiling shader clouds
compiling shader clouds
Starting engine...
compiling shader effects_gradient_p
compiling shader ecb_fx_gradient
Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
compiling shader yuv2rgb
compiling shader yuv2rgb
* [win32]: free[3830416 K], reserved[82100 K], committed[281724 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[16 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[116339 K], process heap[116339 K], game lua[3477 K], render[253 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[6965 K], smem[0 K]
"l:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\bins\xr_3da.exe" -external -noprefetch
* phase time: 0 ms
* phase cmem: 123189 K
* phase time: 57 ms
* phase cmem: 118471 K
$ LA_DBG:[5095] Game_Start: Engine v1.3002(<NOT_arg!>) , Game: <nil>v1.0.gold(140326)
$ LA_DBG:[5095] level_weathers:initing level_weathers
$ LA_DBG:[5095] surge_manager:surge_manager inited
* Log file has been saved successfully!
* phase time: 488 ms
* phase cmem: 122996 K
* phase time: 2 ms
* phase cmem: 122996 K
* Loading spawn registry...
* 23556 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 35269 objects are successfully loaded
* Loading Store...
$ LA_DBG:[5095] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
$ LA_DBG:[5095] load_storehouse: size=[13]/[1174]bytes : Build=[5529]
$ LA_DBG:[5095] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
$ LA_DBG:[5095] Game_Init: Ver=[1.3002] Build=[5529=>5529] MemUsage=[17419.719]kB
$ LA_DBG:[5095] GameTime=[10:09:25] Map(19)=[la01_escape], knowMaps=[1]
* Log file has been saved successfully!
* Game kordon1 is successfully loaded from file 'l:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\appdata\savedgames\kordon1.sav' (3.814s)
* phase time: 3813 ms
* phase cmem: 186163 K
* phase time: 38 ms
* phase cmem: 186451 K
* client : connection accepted - <>
* phase time: 4 ms
* phase cmem: 186500 K
* phase time: 3 ms
* phase cmem: 186500 K
* phase time: 4792 ms
* phase cmem: 274853 K
compiling shader effects_glow_p
compiling shader ecb_fx_generic
compiling shader vert
compiling shader vert
compiling shader add_point
compiling shader vert_point
compiling shader add_spot
compiling shader vert_spot
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader vert_l
compiling shader simple
compiling shader simple
compiling shader simple_point
compiling shader simple_spot
compiling shader base_lplanes
compiling shader base_lplanes
compiling shader wmark
compiling shader wmark_point
compiling shader wmark_spot
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap
compiling shader lmap_point
compiling shader lmap_spot
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader lmap_l
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_dt
compiling shader impl_point
compiling shader impl_spot
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader impl_l
compiling shader water
compiling shader water
compiling shader waterd
compiling shader waterd
compiling shader tree_s
compiling shader tree_s_point
compiling shader tree_s_spot
compiling shader tree_w
compiling shader tree_w_point
compiling shader tree_w_spot
compiling shader avg4
* phase time: 384 ms
* phase cmem: 278351 K
* [Loading VB] 65529 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65528 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65494 verts, 2046 Kb
* [Loading VB] 49231 verts, 1538 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 63245 verts, 1976 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 22280 verts, 696 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 496983 indices, 970 Kb
* phase time: 1754 ms
* phase cmem: 278626 K
* phase time: 104 ms
* phase cmem: 283253 K
compiling shader detail
compiling shader detail_wave
compiling shader detail_still
* [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
* [DETAILS] 62098 v(20), 40565 p
* [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(1212K), IB(237K)
* phase time: 26 ms
* phase cmem: 283351 K
* Loading HOM: l:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\gamedata\levels\la01_escape\level.hom
* phase time: 29 ms
* phase cmem: 283602 K
* phase time: 145 ms
* phase cmem: 283987 K
- Game configuring : Started
- Game configuring : Finished
* phase time: 27 ms
* phase cmem: 302226 K
* t-report - base: 1215, 486181 K
* t-report - lmap: 58, 59399 K
* phase time: 15261 ms
* phase cmem: 302624 K
* phase time: 33 ms
* phase cmem: 302624 K
* [win32]: free[2870828 K], reserved[95032 K], committed[1228380 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[556678 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[302624 K], process heap[302624 K], game lua[36128 K], render[293 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[22140 K], smem[0 K]
compiling shader model_def_hq
compiling shader model_def_hq_2
compiling shader model_def_lq
compiling shader model_def_lq_2
compiling shader model_def_point_2
compiling shader model_def_spot_2
compiling shader model_shadow
compiling shader model_def_shadow_2
* Log file has been saved successfully!
$ LA_DBG:[32361] level_weathers:presets level_weathers
$ LA_DBG:[32361] level_weathers:r1 active
$ LA_DBG:[32361] level_weathers:WeatherManager:__init: r2_active = false : 10:12:36
$ LA_DBG:[32361] level_weathers:has sav
* Log file has been saved successfully!
compiling shader model_env_hq
compiling shader model_env_hq_0
compiling shader model_env_lq
compiling shader model_env_lq_0
compiling shader model_def_point_0
compiling shader model_def_spot_0
compiling shader model_def_shadow_0
compiling shader model_env_hq_1
compiling shader model_env_lq_1
compiling shader model_def_point_1
compiling shader model_def_spot_1
compiling shader model_def_shadow_1
compiling shader model_def_lqs_1
compiling shader model_def_lplanes_0
compiling shader model_def_hq_1
compiling shader model_def_lq_1
compiling shader model_def_hq_0
compiling shader model_def_lq_0
compiling shader model_def_lqs_0
compiling shader model_env_hq_2
compiling shader model_env_lq_2
compiling shader model_distort4glass_2
compiling shader model_def_lqs_2
* MEMORY USAGE: 374376 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
compiling shader yuv2rgb
* [win32]: free[2515124 K], reserved[110308 K], committed[1568808 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[615361 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[373730 K], process heap[373730 K], game lua[41425 K], render[2062 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[25253 K], smem[10874 K]
$ LA_DBG:[137943] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
$ LA_DBG:[137943] Game_Save:BuildMod=[5529]:[10:24:55]:MemUsage=[33113.945]kB:TimeFactor=[7]
$ LA_DBG:[137943] task_manager:save:#tasks=[0]/[0],size=[16]
$ LA_DBG:[137943] treasure_manager:save: #treasure=[0],size=[20]
~ Used 7 NetPacket(s) total objects 4194 total stored 53908b
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 35269 objects are successfully saved
* Writing Store...
$ LA_DBG:[137943] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
$ LA_DBG:[137943] save_storehouse: size=[13]/[1167]bytes : Build=[5529]
$ LA_DBG:[137943] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Game kordon1.sav is successfully saved to file 'l:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\appdata\savedgames\kordon1.sav'
* DVB created: 1536K
* DIB created: 512K
- r__tf_aniso 6
- r1_tf_mipbias 0.
* SSample: 1920x1080
compiling shader postprocess
compiling shader postprocess_d
compiling shader postprocess_cm_pre
* SSample: enabled
* RM_Dump: textures : 1460
* RM_Dump: rtargets : 6
* RM_Dump: vs : 63
* RM_Dump: ps : 31
* RM_Dump: dcl : 13
* RM_Dump: states : 70
* RM_Dump: tex_list : 3261
* RM_Dump: matrices : 0
* RM_Dump: lst_constants: 0
* RM_Dump: v_passes : 3945
* RM_Dump: v_elements: 3958
* RM_Dump: v_shaders : 1784
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16
* NVAPI is missing.
* Starting rendering as 2-GPU.
*** RESET [0 ms]
* MEMORY USAGE: 373995 K
* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
* DVB created: 1536K
* DIB created: 512K
- r__tf_aniso 6
- r1_tf_mipbias 0.
* SSample: 1920x1080
compiling shader postprocess
compiling shader postprocess_d
compiling shader postprocess_cm_pre
* SSample: enabled
* RM_Dump: textures : 1460
* RM_Dump: rtargets : 6
* RM_Dump: vs : 63
* RM_Dump: ps : 31
* RM_Dump: dcl : 13
* RM_Dump: states : 70
* RM_Dump: tex_list : 3261
* RM_Dump: matrices : 0
* RM_Dump: lst_constants: 0
* RM_Dump: v_passes : 3945
* RM_Dump: v_elements: 3958
* RM_Dump: v_shaders : 1784
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16
* NVAPI is missing.
* Starting rendering as 2-GPU.
*** RESET [151 ms]
stack trace:
Expression : fatal error
Function : CScriptEngine::lua_error
File : script_engine.cpp
Line : 75
Description : <no expression>
Arguments : LUA error: ....e.r. - lost alpha\gamedata\scripts\la_helper.script:1393: attempt to compare number with boolean
-[error]Description : item [bar_dolg_petrenko_barman] not found!!
-[error]Arguments : e:\s.t.a.l.k.e.s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha\gamedata\sounds\ambient\sp4.ogg
-! [LUA] SCRIPT RUNTIME ERROR : evaluator [danger] returns value with not a bool type!
-[error][ 14007] : Wymagany klucz wyszukiwania nie został odnaleziony w żadnym aktywnym kontekście aktywacji.
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