GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "food and drugs\bread_rad"
;$prefetch = 32
class = II_FOOD
cform = skeleton
visual = weapons\bred\bred.ogf
description = enc_equipment_food_bread_rad
inv_name = Bread_rad
inv_name_short = Bread_rad
inv_weight = 0.3 ;0.2
inv_grid_width = 1
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 11
inv_grid_y = 9
cost = 10
attach_angle_offset = -0.287979, 1.560923, 1.544060
attach_position_offset = 0.096910, -0.013594, 0.107925
attach_bone_name = bip01_r_hand
auto_attach = false
// should be deleted after update
bone_name = bip01_r_hand
position_offset = 0.0,0.0,0.0
angle_offset = 1.570790,1.570790,3.92699
; eatable item
eat_health = 0
eat_satiety = 0.2
eat_power = 0.1
eat_radiation = 0.3
wounds_heal_perc = 0
eat_portions_num = -1
; food item
slot = 4
animation_slot = 4
;hud item
hud = wpn_vodka_hud
<string id="Bread_rad">
<text>Napromieniowany chleb</text>
<string id="enc_equipment_food_bread_rad">
<text>Chleb, który został skażony przez promieniowanie radioaktywne. Spożywanie go nie jest dobrym pomysłem, gdyż do organizmu zostają wprowadzone radioaktywne cząsteczki.</text>
; cse_abstract properties
section_name = bread_rad
name = yan_bread
position = 28.90,-10.65,-281.43
direction = 0,30,0
; cse_alife_object properties
game_vertex_id = 1438
distance = 0
level_vertex_id = 132308
object_flags = 0xffffff0f
; cse_visual properties
visual_name = weapons\bred\bred
; cse_alife_item properties
condition = 1
upd:num_items = 0
GroupControlSection = spawn_group
discovery_dependency =
$spawn = "weapons\crowbar"
$npc = off
$prefetch = 8
scheduled = off
cform = skeleton
description = enc_weapons1_wpn-crowbar
ef_weapon_type = 1
class = WP_KNIFE
visual = weapons\crowbar\wpn_crowbar.ogf
inv_name = wpn-crowbar
inv_name_short = wpn-crowbar
inv_weight = 0
inv_grid_width = 5
inv_grid_height = 1
inv_grid_x = 5
inv_grid_y = 34
kill_msg_x = 197
kill_msg_y = 177
kill_msg_width = 53
kill_msg_height = 16
show_ammo = false
slot = 0
animation_slot = 5
single_handed = 1
hud = wpn_crowbar_hud
cost = 100
hand_dependence = 1
cam_relax_speed = 5.0
cam_dispersion = 0.9
cam_max_angle = 7
cam_max_angle_horz = 5.0
cam_step_angle_horz = 0.5
fire_dispersion = 0.5
fire_dispersion_add = 5.3
fire_dispersion_relax = 0.6
fire_dispersion_base = 0.5
disp_vel_factor = 0.9
disp_crouch_factor = 0.75
disp_jump_factor = 7
fire_dispersion_condition_factor = 0.0
misfire_probability = 0.0
condition_shot_dec = 0.0
direction = 0, 0, 1
shell_point = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
fire_point = 0.0, 0.1, 0.4
flame_particles =
rpm_empty_click = 200
; ttc
hit_power = 1.80, 2.00, 2.20, 2.40
hit_impulse = 120
hit_type = wound
hit_power_2 = 1.80, 2.00, 2.20, 2.40
hit_impulse_2 = 120
hit_type_2 = wound_2
fire_distance = 1.4;1.8
bullet_speed = 1000;500 ;íŕ÷ŕëüíŕ˙ ńęîđîńňü ďóëč
rpm = 1000;600
; end ttc
normal = 0, 1, 0
position = -0.021, -0.078, 0.0
orientation = 0,90,0
startup_ammo = 1000
wm_size = 0.10
light_disabled = true
ph_mass = 4
ammo_limit = 180
ammo_current = 90
ammo_elapsed = 0
ammo_mag_size = 0
ammo_class = ammo_9x39_pab9
min_radius = 50
max_radius = 50
scope_status = 0
silencer_status = 0
grenade_launcher_status = 0
zoom_enabled = false
snd_shoot = weapons\knife_1
weapon_remove_time = 5000 ;âđĺě˙ óíč÷ňîćĺíč˙ îđóćč˙ (ń ó÷ĺňîě TimeFactor) äë˙ ěóëüňčďëĺĺđŕ
shell_point = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
fire_point = 0.05, 0.0, 0.1
fire_bone = wpn_knife_0
orientation = 0,0,0
position = 0,0,0
visual = weapons\crowbar\wpn_crowbar_hud.ogf
anim_idle = idle
anim_draw = draw
anim_hide = hide
anim_shoot1_start = shoot1_start
anim_shoot2_start = shoot2_start
anim_shoot1_end = shoot1_end
anim_shoot2_end = shoot2_end
anim_idle_sprint = idle_sprint
Jeżeli chodzi Ci o ilość itemów znajdowanych przy cialach to odpowiada za to plik death_items_count.ltx(config/misc). W nim określasz co i w jakiej ilości znajdiesz przy ciele.4. Wie ktoś w którym pliku są nazwy poziomów trudności? Za ch**j nie moge ich znaleźć.
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