przez Matt w 07 Lis 2010, 14:55
The problem is not with your set, Matt90. The devs added a "feature" as of patch 1.0004 (Steam uses patch 1.0005) to control spawning in a separate thread, but that thread gets stalled in some instances.
A definite cure for the delayed-spawn bug is to uninstall, remove the installation directories, reinstall 1.0 from DVD and patch only up to 1.0003. This doesn't apply for those using the Steam version because there's no way to roll back from 1.0005. It also affects the use of mods, as most are patch-version-dependent.
Another possibility is to enter your PC's BIOS (if it is old enough; I know there's a new kind of low-level ROM-based alternative, but I don't know if it supports this) and try to find an option to disable all cores but one while you play your current version of STALKER. You won't see much of a framerate drop; STALKER SoC's engine is old tech and doesn't use multiple cores well anyway.
I'm not sure what you mean by "hiding places". The ZRP versions as of 1.07 have a crate and case spawning workaround to keep the spawned contents from falling through the floor, and it seems to be okay for eliminating late case/crate spawns.
Odpowiedź z forum GSC, która wreszcie mi pomogła. Jak ktoś ma ten sam problem niech śmiało korzysta. Dla tych którzy nie znają angielskiego:
Posiadacze procesorów wielordzeniowych muszą ustawić w opcjach, by używany był tylko jeden rdzeń. Jak to zrobić? Na Viście wygląda to w ten sposób: Start -> Uruchom -> msconfig -> Rozruch -> Opcje zaawansowane. Na innych systemach nie wiem.
Innym rozwiązaniem jest granie na patchu 1.003, późniejsze ich wersje powodują ten właśnie błąd.