[error]Expression : fatal error
[error]Function : CInifile::r_string
[error]File : D:\prog_repository\sources\trunk\xrCore\Xr_ini.cpp
[error]Line : 486
[error]Description : <no expression>
[error]Arguments : Can't find variable splash1_hits_count in [wpn_knife]
BJ Blazkowicz napisał(a):Bronią do CoP zajmuję się tylko dorywczo, ponieważ CoP na spie*dolony silnik i nie do końca go rozpracowałem.
inv_name = st_wpn_vepr
inv_name_short = st_wpn_vepr
inv_weight = 4.2 ; weight in inventory
inv_grid_width = 5 ; position and size of the icon that will be used to display weapon in the inventory menu
inv_grid_height = 2 ; all icons are on the texture ui_icon_equipment.dds,
inv_grid_x = 52 ; position and size are in terms of 64x64 squares
inv_grid_y = 20
upgr_icon_x = 1660
upgr_icon_y = 765
upgr_icon_width = 283
upgr_icon_height = 120
to silnik CoPa jest nieporównywalnie lepszy od SoCa.
zoom_offset = -0.1261,0.0057,-0.156
zoom_offset = lewo/prawo,góra/dół,przód/tył
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