Helikopter nie strzela

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Helikopter nie strzela

Postprzez Blooder w 02 Sty 2016, 15:58

Witam użytkowników forum. Ostatnio postanowiłem pomodować trochę Zew Prypeci. Wyciąłem helikopter z Czystego Nieba( konfig,modele). Wszystko fajnie (helikopter leci przed siebie :E ) ale nie strzela. w logice napisane było że ma strzelać do wszystkich(all) Wpis helikoptera w all.spawn
Kod: Zaznacz wszystko
; cse_abstract properties
section_name = helicopter
name = katacomb_helicopter
position = -134.300003051758,-30.1399993896484,-377.489990234375
direction = 0,0,0

; cse_alife_object properties
game_vertex_id = 473
distance = 0
level_vertex_id = 26
object_flags = 0xffffffb2
custom_data = <<END
cfg = scripts\katacomb_hospital\kat_hosp_z2_helicopter.ltx

; cse_visual properties
visual_name = dynamics\vehicles\mi2\veh_mi2_01

; cse_motion properties

; cse_ph_skeleton properties
skeleton_name = idle

; cse_alife_helicopter properties
cse_alife_helicopter__unk1_sz = idle
engine_sound = vehicles\helicopter\helicopter

A tu jego logika:
Kod: Zaznacz wszystko
active = heli_move@hide

path_move = z2_heli_hide
on_info = {+hospital_z2_enter} heli_move@hide2
max_velocity = 10
engine_sound = false

path_move = z2_heli_hide
on_game_timer = 100 | heli_move@move
max_velocity = 10
engine_sound = false
immortal = true

path_move = z2_heli_move
max_velocity = 100
on_signal = see | heli_move@move2 %+hospital_heli_see_enemy%
immortal = true

path_move = z2_heli_move_2
path_look = z2_heli_look_idle
max_velocity = 35
on_info = {+hospital_heli_start_attack} heli_move@ne
immortal = true

path_move = z2_heli_move_nw
path_look = z2_heli_show_fire_1

;-- íĺ ńëĺäčň çŕ čăđîęîě
path_move = z2_heli_move_nw
path_look = heli_z2_ne_look ;z2_heli_look_idle
use_rocket = false
on_info = {+hospital_z2_actor_nw} heli_move@nw
on_info2 = {+hospital_z2_actor_sw} heli_move@move_n_w_s
on_info3 = {+hospital_z2_actor_se} heli_move@move_n_e_s
on_info4 = {+hospital_z2_rpg_run} heli_move@rpg_1
on_info5 = {=heli_health_le(0.05)} heli_move@crash
on_actor_in_zone = kat_hosp_z2_heli_hunt_restr | heli_move@actor_hunt_n
max_velocity = 25
enemy = all
upd_vis = 8
show_health = true
immortal = true
;fire_point = z2_heli_show_fire_4

path_move = z2_heli_move_nw
path_look = heli_z2_nw_look ;z2_heli_look_idle
use_rocket = false
on_info = {+hospital_z2_actor_ne} heli_move@ne
on_info2 = {+hospital_z2_actor_sw} heli_move@move_n_w_s
on_info3 = {+hospital_z2_actor_se} heli_move@move_n_e_s
on_info4 = {+hospital_z2_rpg_run} heli_move@rpg_1
on_info5 = {=heli_health_le(0.05)} heli_move@crash
on_actor_in_zone = kat_hosp_z2_heli_hunt_restr | heli_move@actor_hunt_n
max_velocity = 25
enemy = all
upd_vis = 8
show_health = true
immortal = true
;fire_point = z2_heli_show_fire_5

;-- ńëĺäčň çŕ čăđîęîě
path_move = z2_heli_move_n
path_look = actor
use_rocket = false
;on_info = {+hospital_z2_actor_sw} heli_move@move_n_w_s
;on_info2 = {+hospital_z2_actor_se} heli_move@move_n_e_s
;on_info3 = {+hospital_z2_rpg_run} heli_move@rpg_1
;on_info4 = {=heli_health_le(0.05)} heli_move@crash
;on_actor_not_in_zone = kat_hosp_z2_heli_hunt_restr | heli_move@nw
max_velocity = 25
upd_vis = 7
enemy = all;actor
stop_fire = true
show_health = true
immortal = true
fire_point = z2_heli_show_fire_4
on_game_timer = 30 | heli_move@actor_hunt_n2

path_move = z2_heli_move_n
path_look = actor
use_rocket = false
on_info = {+hospital_z2_actor_sw} heli_move@move_n_w_s
on_info2 = {+hospital_z2_actor_se} heli_move@move_n_e_s
on_info3 = {+hospital_z2_rpg_run} heli_move@rpg_1
on_info4 = {=heli_health_le(0.05)} heli_move@crash
on_actor_not_in_zone = kat_hosp_z2_heli_hunt_restr | heli_move@nw
max_velocity = 25
enemy = all
upd_vis = 7
stop_fire = true
show_health = true
immortal = true

path_move = z2_heli_move_n_w_s
path_look = z2_heli_look_idle
use_rocket = false
on_info = {+hospital_z2_actor_nw} heli_move@move_s_w_n
on_info2 = {+hospital_z2_actor_ne} heli_move@move_s_w_n
on_info3 = {+hospital_z2_rpg_run} heli_move@rpg_1
on_info4 = {=heli_health_le(0.05)} heli_move@crash
on_signal = hunt | heli_move@sw
max_velocity = 25
enemy = all;actor
upd_vis = 5
show_health = true
immortal = true
fire_point = z2_heli_show_fire_2

path_move = z2_heli_move_n_e_s
path_look = z2_heli_look_idle
use_rocket = false
on_info = {+hospital_z2_actor_nw} heli_move@move_s_e_n
on_info2 = {+hospital_z2_actor_ne} heli_move@move_s_e_n
on_info3 = {+hospital_z2_rpg_run} heli_move@rpg_1
on_info4 = {=heli_health_le(0.05)} heli_move@crash
on_signal = hunt | heli_move@se
max_velocity = 25
enemy = all;actor
upd_vis = 5
show_health = true
immortal = true
fire_point = z2_heli_show_fire_1

;-- íĺ ńëĺäčň çŕ čăđîęîě
path_move = heli_z2_se_walk         ;--z2_heli_move_s
path_look = heli_z2_sw_look ;z2_heli_look_idle
use_rocket = false
on_info = {+hospital_z2_actor_se} heli_move@se
on_info2 = {+hospital_z2_actor_nw} heli_move@move_s_w_n
on_info3 = {+hospital_z2_actor_ne} heli_move@move_s_e_n
on_info4 = {+hospital_z2_rpg_run} heli_move@rpg_1
on_info5 = {=heli_health_le(0.05)} heli_move@crash
on_actor_in_zone = kat_hosp_z2_heli_hunt_restr | heli_move@actor_hunt_s
max_velocity = 25
enemy = all
upd_vis = 8
show_health = true
immortal = true
;fire_point = z2_heli_show_fire_1

path_move = heli_z2_se_walk
path_look = heli_z2_se_look ;z2_heli_look_idle
use_rocket = false
on_info = {+hospital_z2_actor_sw} heli_move@sw
on_info2 = {+hospital_z2_actor_nw} heli_move@move_s_w_n
on_info3 = {+hospital_z2_actor_ne} heli_move@move_s_e_n
on_info4 = {+hospital_z2_rpg_run} heli_move@rpg_1
on_info5 = {=heli_health_le(0.05)} heli_move@crash
on_actor_in_zone = kat_hosp_z2_heli_hunt_restr | heli_move@actor_hunt_s
max_velocity = 25
enemy = all
upd_vis = 8
show_health = true
immortal = true
;fire_point = z2_heli_show_fire_2

;-- ńëĺäčň çŕ čăđîęîě
path_move = z2_heli_move_s
path_look = actor
use_rocket = false
;on_info = {+hospital_z2_actor_nw} heli_move@move_s_w_n
;on_info2 = {+hospital_z2_actor_ne} heli_move@move_s_e_n
;on_info3 = {+hospital_z2_rpg_run} heli_move@rpg_1
;on_info4 = {=heli_health_le(0.05)} heli_move@crash
;on_actor_not_in_zone = kat_hosp_z2_heli_hunt_restr | heli_move@sw
max_velocity = 25
upd_vis = 7
enemy = all;actor
stop_fire = true
show_health = true
immortal = true
fire_point = z2_heli_show_fire_3
on_game_timer = 30 | heli_move@actor_hunt_s2

path_move = z2_heli_move_s
path_look = actor
use_rocket = false
on_info = {+hospital_z2_actor_nw} heli_move@move_s_w_n
on_info2 = {+hospital_z2_actor_ne} heli_move@move_s_e_n
on_info3 = {+hospital_z2_rpg_run} heli_move@rpg_1
on_info4 = {=heli_health_le(0.05)} heli_move@crash
on_actor_not_in_zone = kat_hosp_z2_heli_hunt_restr | heli_move@sw
max_velocity = 25
enemy = all;actor
upd_vis = 7
stop_fire = true
show_health = true
immortal = true

path_move = z2_heli_move_s_e_n
path_look = z2_heli_look_idle
use_rocket = false
on_info = {+hospital_z2_actor_sw} heli_move@move_n_e_s
on_info2 = {+hospital_z2_actor_se} heli_move@move_n_e_s
on_info3 = {+hospital_z2_rpg_run} heli_move@rpg_1
on_info4 = {=heli_health_le(0.05)} heli_move@crash
on_signal = hunt | heli_move@ne
max_velocity = 25
enemy = all;actor
upd_vis = 5
show_health = true
immortal = true
fire_point = z2_heli_show_fire_5

path_move = z2_heli_move_s_w_n
path_look = z2_heli_look_idle
use_rocket = false
on_info = {+hospital_z2_actor_sw} heli_move@move_n_w_s
on_info2 = {+hospital_z2_actor_se} heli_move@move_n_w_s
on_info3 = {+hospital_z2_rpg_run} heli_move@rpg_1
on_info4 = {=heli_health_le(0.05)} heli_move@crash
on_signal = hunt | heli_move@nw
max_velocity = 25
enemy = all;actor
upd_vis = 5
show_health = true
immortal = true
fire_point = z2_heli_show_fire_5

path_move = z2_heli_wait
path_look = z2_heli_fire
use_rocket = false
max_velocity = 25
on_info = {+hospital_z2_rpg_fire} heli_move@rpg_2
immortal = true
show_health = true

path_move = z2_heli_dodge
path_look = z2_heli_fire
max_velocity = 25
on_info = {+hospital_z2_heli_fire} heli_move@rpg_3
;fire_point = z2_heli_fire
use_rocket = false
show_health = true
immortal = true

path_move = z2_heli_dodge
path_look = z2_heli_fire
max_velocity = 25
on_info = {-hospital_z2_rpg_fire} heli_move@se
fire_point = z2_heli_fire
use_rocket = false
show_health = true
immortal = true

on_info = %=play_sound(helicopter_killed:army:lname_stalker_243)%
path_move = z2_heli_move_crash_0
;path_look = z2_heli_move_crash_look
max_velocity = 100
immortal = true
on_signal = action | heli_move@crash1
enemy = nil
upd_vis = 1
use_mgun = false
use_rocket = false

on_info = %=play_sound(helicopter_killed:army:lname_stalker_243)%
path_move = z2_heli_move_crash
;path_look = z2_heli_move_crash_look
max_velocity = 90 ;120
immortal = true
;on_game_timer = 40 | nil %=heli_die +hospital_z2_heli_crash +katacomb_task_z2_exit =run_cam_effector(kat_heli_down)%
on_npc_in_zone = 209 | kat_hosp_z2_helicopter_restr | nil %=heli_die +hospital_z2_heli_crash +katacomb_task_z2_exit =run_cam_effector(kat_heli_down)%
on_signal = action | nil %=heli_die +hospital_z2_heli_crash +katacomb_task_z2_exit =run_cam_effector(kat_heli_down)%
enemy = nil
use_mgun = false
use_rocket = false

on_info = %=play_sound(helicopter_killed:army:lname_stalker_243)%
path_move = z2_heli_move_crash
path_look = z2_heli_move_crash_look
max_velocity = 120
immortal = true
;on_game_timer = 70 | nil %=heli_die +hospital_z2_heli_crash +katacomb_task_z2_exit =run_cam_effector(kat_heli_down)%
on_npc_in_zone = 209 | kat_hosp_z2_helicopter_restr | nil %=heli_die +hospital_z2_heli_crash +katacomb_task_z2_exit =run_cam_effector(kat_heli_down)%
on_signal = action | nil %=heli_die +hospital_z2_heli_crash +katacomb_task_z2_exit =run_cam_effector(kat_heli_down)%
enemy = nil
use_mgun = false
use_rocket = false

path_move = z2_heli_move_crash
max_velocity = 35

Jeśli ktoś wie o co kaman to niech powie co trzeba zrobić by helikopter strzelał. Za pomoc :wódka:

Posty: 79
Dołączenie: 01 Sty 2014, 17:12
Ostatnio był: 27 Lut 2019, 16:14
Miejscowość: Białystok
Frakcja: Samotnicy
Ulubiona broń: Tunder S14
Kozaki: 11

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