Johnlock napisał(a):No to ładnie ładnieCoś więcej słychać na temat 3.0 może? Bo LA już umarło jak widzę, a w OLR bym z chęcią pyknął sobie
* Detected CPU: GenuineIntel Pentium-III, F6/M7/S10, 2999.00 mhz, 33-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU Features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2
Initializing File System...
olr.ltx _bin_olr_\fsolr.ltx
FS: 46932 files cached, 6559Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 1.842514 sec
'xrCore' build 3312, Feb 27 2008
Initializing Engine...
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[d:\games\olr_v2.5\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
Starting INPUT device...
Loading DLL: xrRender_R1.dll
Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
* [win32]: free[2013196 K], reserved[23244 K], committed[60648 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[8798 K], process heap[1144 K], game lua[0 K], engine lua[0 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[1630 K], smem[0 K]
Executing config-script "d:\games\olr_v2.5\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
! cant convert dik_name for dik[144], prop=[Poprzednia
[d:\games\olr_v2.5\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
Executing config-script "d:\games\olr_v2.5\gamedata\config\rspec_minimum.ltx"...
[d:\games\olr_v2.5\gamedata\config\rspec_minimum.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "d:\games\olr_v2.5\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[d:\games\olr_v2.5\gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
[d:\games\olr_v2.5\_appdata_\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices...
SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present
devices Generic Software
SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is Generic Software
SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices:
1. Generic Software, Spec Version 1.1 (default)
SOUND: OpenAL: SelectBestDevice is Generic Software 1.1
SOUND: OpenAL: Required device: Generic Software. Created device: Generic Software.
* sound: EAX 2.0 extension: present
* sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: present
* sound : cache: 32773 kb, 3805 lines, 8820 bpl
Starting RENDER device...
* GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:402]: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT
* GPU driver:
* CREATE: DeviceREF: 1
* Vertex Processor: PURE HARDWARE
* Texture memory: 994 M
* DDI-level: 9.0
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 16
* DVB created: 6144K
* DIB created: 1024K
count of .thm files=53
load time=464 ms
* distortion: used, dev(30),need(14)
* SSample: 1280x1024
* SSample: enabled
- r__tf_aniso 1
- r1_tf_mipbias -0.5
Starting engine...
Loading DLL: xrGameSpy.dll
* DVB created: 6144K
* DIB created: 1024K
- r__tf_aniso 1
- r1_tf_mipbias -0.5
* SSample: 1280x1024
* SSample: enabled
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
*** RESET [85 ms]
xr_3da.exe -smap4096
* phase time: 0 ms
* phase cmem: 78641 K
Ładowanie obiektów...
Loading objects...
Loading models...
* [prefetch] time: 30203 ms
* [prefetch] memory: 127775Kb
* phase time: 30277 ms
* phase cmem: 192810 K
SERWER: Rozpoczynanie...
* phase time: 319 ms
* phase cmem: 192830 K
SERWER: Wczytywanie symulatora Alife...
* phase time: 57 ms
* phase cmem: 192830 K
Wczytywanie zapisanej gry "xp_autosave.sav"...
* Loading spawn registry...
* 18915 spawn points are successfully loaded
* Loading objects...
* 25242 objects are successfully loaded
* Game xp_autosave is successfully loaded from file 'd:\games\olr_v2.5\_appdata_\savedgames\xp_autosave.sav' (3.102s)
* phase time: 3054 ms
* phase cmem: 231442 K
SERWER: Łączenie...
MaxPlayers = 32
* phase time: 53 ms
* phase cmem: 231474 K
KLIENT: Łączenie z localhost...
# Player not found. New player created.
* client : connection accepted - <>
* phase time: 40 ms
* phase cmem: 231498 K
Otwieranie strumienia...
* phase time: 21 ms
* phase cmem: 231498 K
Wczytywanie CFORM...
* phase time: 1469 ms
* phase cmem: 260668 K
Wczytywanie shaderów...
* phase time: 871 ms
* phase cmem: 265370 K
Wczytywanie danych geometrycznych...
* phase time: 610 ms
* phase cmem: 265378 K
Wczytywanie przestrzennej bazy danych...
* phase time: 226 ms
* phase cmem: 266343 K
Wczytywanie detali...
* [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
* [DETAILS] 74359 v(20), 64050 p
* [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(1452K), IB(375K)
* phase time: 83 ms
* phase cmem: 266414 K
Wczytywanie stref i portali...
* Loading HOM: d:\games\olr_v2.5\gamedata\levels\lvl6_rostok\level.hom
* phase time: 25 ms
* phase cmem: 266533 K
Wczytywanie obiektów SI...
- Loading music tracks from 'l06_rostok_musics'...
* phase time: 79 ms
* phase cmem: 266558 K
KLIENT: Odradzanie...
- Game configuring : Started
- Game configuring : Finished
* phase time: 946 ms
* phase cmem: 272368 K
Wczytywanie tekstur...
* t-report - base: 1069, 371632 K
* t-report - lmap: 182, 186390 K
***FATAL***: Too many lmap-textures (limit: 8 textures or 32M).
Reduce pixel density (worse) or use more vertex lighting (better).
* phase time: 18428 ms
* phase cmem: 272368 K
KLIENT: Synchronizacja...
* phase time: 69 ms
* phase cmem: 272368 K
* [win32]: free[751528 K], reserved[213316 K], committed[1132244 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[558022 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[272368 K], process heap[720604 K], game lua[16089 K], engine lua[301 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[5024 K], smem[97558 K]
* MEMORY USAGE: 286891 K
~ cannot remove restriction with id [9970][lvl6_rostok_zone_witches_galantine_strong] to the entity with id [9783][lvl6_rostok_m_rat_e_0055], because it is not added
~ cannot remove restriction with id [9970][lvl6_rostok_zone_witches_galantine_strong] to the entity with id [9786][lvl6_rostok_m_rat_e_0058], because it is not added
~ cannot remove restriction with id [9970][lvl6_rostok_zone_witches_galantine_strong] to the entity with id [9784][lvl6_rostok_m_rat_e_0056], because it is not added
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 25467 objects are successfully saved
* Game p196.sav is successfully saved to file 'd:\games\olr_v2.5\_appdata_\savedgames\p196.sav'
~ cannot remove restriction with id [9970][lvl6_rostok_zone_witches_galantine_strong] to the entity with id [9784][lvl6_rostok_m_rat_e_0056], because it is not added
* DVB created: 6144K
* DIB created: 1024K
- r__tf_aniso 1
- r1_tf_mipbias -0.5
* SSample: 1280x1024
* SSample: enabled
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
*** RESET [0 ms]
* MEMORY USAGE: 302183 K
* DVB created: 6144K
* DIB created: 1024K
- r__tf_aniso 1
- r1_tf_mipbias -0.5
* SSample: 1280x1024
* SSample: enabled
* GPU shading: vs(fffe0300/3.0/30), ps(ffff0300/3.0/30)
* GPU vertex cache: recognized, 24
*** RESET [176 ms]
* MEMORY USAGE: 288789 K
stack trace:
001B:0385CA54 xrGame.dll
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