The Elder Scrolls

Dyskusje na temat gier i szeroko rozumianej rozrywki mieszczącej się w ramach powyższej kategorii.

Postprzez ThaiWarrior w 26 Mar 2006, 18:41

tak przedstawia sie gra na kompie sredniego typy(np taki jak moj)
kopiowane z froum obliviona

Minimum System Requirements:

Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows XP 64-bit
512MB System RAM
2 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
128MB Direct3D compatible video card
and DirectX 9.0 compatible driver;
8x DVD-ROM drive
4.6 GB free hard disk space
DirectX 9.0c (included)
DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
Keyboard, Mouse
Supported Video Card Chipsets:

ATI X1900 series
ATI X1800 series
ATI X1600 series
ATI X1300 series
ATI X850 series
ATI x800 series
ATI x700 series
ATI x600 series
ATI Radeon 9800 series
ATI Radeon 9700 series
ATI Radeon 9600 series
ATI Radeon 9500 series
NVIDIA GeForce 7800 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6600 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6200 series
NVIDIA GeForce FX series

We've seen a lot of screenshots and now we've seen a few videos; mostly captured from mid-to-high end computers. What about the low end stuff? How does it look? How well does it run? Here is my report:

In this post, I'll be going through my experiences thoughout the game with a low end computer, sharing my thoughts and explain what I see. I'll do my very best to cover as much as possible; from exploring dungeons as well as outdoor settings to combat. I'll also try to add screenshots and videos (hopefully) to give you as much information as possible. (NOTE: I have 2 computers, so I'm typing this as I go along in the game)


Winblows XP Home
Pentium 4 running at 2GHz
640 Mb of RAM
Radeon 9600 128mb
16X DVD drive

Note: Asside from a faster DVD rom drive and slightly more Ram, this computer fits the official "minimum system requirements" listed by Bethesda Soft.

STEP 1: The Installation:

The installation is pretty painless. You insert the DVD in, the drive loads, you hear music and then shortly (10 seconds for me) after the Install Wizard pops up and starts preparing the installer. The installer itself reminds me of something that Cyan would do with their Myst series. The only thing that the installer asks you is to read and accept the License Agreement and where you want your files to go. So, in short, there's no easy/custom install (this is probably due to the fact that the construction set is not included in the disc).

I mentioned Myst because of 2 things: it's straight to the point and the buttons are large with a "ancient scroll" look to them.

Once you click "Install", there's a little task bar that gives you feedback on your progress and there's a nice (although typical) slideshow of screenshots from high-end computers. After that it asks you to check/unckeck boxes about if you want a shortcut and read the text file. It's pretty standard stuff.

Rating: VERY GOOD - There's no "Register this software" popup (or anything similar) and it doesn't take forever to install. Insert, install, play. Very nicely done and I think some developers don't take the time to properly do this.

STEP 2: Launching The Game:

My first reaction was "AAAArrrgh!" :P The game basically loads up like Morrowind; with a window that gives you different choices like "Play" and "Data File". Of course when you run the game for the first type you get a error-looking-window and that's when my heart skipped a beat. I took time to read and it was just saying that it was going to look at my hardware to determine the best settings... whew... ok .... moving on.

When I look into the "Options" the game gave me these settings:

Fullscreen (duh)
No Antialiasing
V. Sync
No Screen Effects (like Bloom and HDR)
Distant Landscape, Buildings and Tree are all checked.

... I click "Play"...

First thing I noticed then was the Morrowind-like "miniature window" that pops up (with a black display) before going fullscreen. So far so good, runs just like Morrowind. Then I see intro videos and all is well (except for some static in the audio but that's most likely my speakers... ... Yep... I have headphones now and it's crispy clear). The menu has no slowdowns what's so ever. It's just a menu, I know, but I thought I'd mention this.

... I click "New"...

And it took me about 15-to-30 seconds to load... and I was introduced to the intro cinematic.

STEP 3: Creating A Character:

Ok.. just WOW. First of all, might I point out that the facial customization thing is fantastic. I can't really put it into words, but I recorded a Fraps video giving you a GLIMPS of what's ahead so, once I upload it, you can see it for yourself. Also, I was going at a steady 25 fps while rotating the camera around the head. When I was recording the Fraps video, the fps dropped to a steady 15fps. So far so good.

Screenshot: ... facial.jpg

Video: ... facial.m1v

However, when I was moving the slider for the "Age" and "Complexion", my fps dropped to about 5fps. Meh. This is probably due to the fact that it's gradually changing the textures on the character's face. The "Hair Color" sliders don't affect the framerate.

Rating: AWESOME - So far no other game that I know of (specifically RPGs) gives you that much control over the look of your character's face!

STEP 4: Inside The Prison:

Given the fact that my settings are pretty !@#$ low, I was impressed by the quality of the visuals. At about 20-25fps, I was able to look around and push objects all over the place (with the help of the manual - the default keys are a bit different than Morrowind's). Here are the results:

Screenshot: ... ebones.jpg

Video: ... ebones.m1v

The Fraps recording dropped the framerate to about 15fps.

I'd like to point out that when you press ESC to pause the game, you have a nice effect (looks like an old photograph): ... /pause.jpg

In any case, doing as much as possible in that prison with NPCs running around I got about 20-25fps like I mentioned previously. Sometimes it drops to 15fps, but not too often. The Video shows gives an idea of how it is, with NPCs talking to each other while I punch the bars:

Behind bars video ... ndbars.m1v

When all the NPCs started moving towards me, my framerate unfortunately dropped to 8fps (without the recording). When I was talking to an NPC (the Emperor) face to face, the framerate is a steady 18fps. I'm not sure why because I was doing a lot better when I was pushing objects around. I suppose their faces have more geometry. Meh.

Video: ... alking.m1v

The Fraps recording dropped the framerate to about 12-15fps.

The further I went along, the more I realized that interior settings will never have a steady framerate. Not necessarily a bad thing (it can sometimes go up to 30fps), but most of the times it'll range from 8-to-25fps. I experienced 8fps during a fight between multiple NPCs. That's what Fraps says, but other than a few skipped frames, I couldn't really tell; it's not like I was stuck in a corner not able to turn around properly. I ran towards the enemy and gave 'em a few punches.

And then came the rats...

Screenshot: ... n/rats.jpg

Video: ... /rats1.m1v ... /rats2.m1v

The Fraps recording dropped the framerate to about 7-14fps. The second video had a steady 15fps.

Initial impression: WOOT! A lot better than I hoped for. The graphics look ok (for the settings) and the framerate is decent. When the NPCs walked towards me (and dropped my framerate to 8fps), I had a little tear... but nothing serious.

Final Thoughts Concerning Gameplay and Performance:

I'm, so far, extremely satisfied with the performance of the game. This is with default settings and I still have some sliders to pull down if I wanted to. For the sake of this thread, I'll keep the defaults.

Gameplay wise it's going to take more than a bit of getting used to. It took me a while to appreciate Morrowind's controls and now it's going to take even MORE time to not only learn new controls, but also unlearn habbits that I had in Morrowind. It took me a while to access the Inventory, and I have the "Gameplay Controls" page at the back of the manual to help me through. What used to be the "Use/Activate" button [E] in Morrowind is now [SPACEBAR], [Z] is how you "grab" items to pull or push them... I'm hoping that grabbing items that way won't make you hostile (as opposed to "take").

Interior settings are more or less running at 25fps. Combat turned that into roughly 10-25fps.

Screenshot: ... lowing.jpg ... arrows.jpg

Video: ... lowing.m1v ... bucket.m1v

I don't know about outdoors yet.

Inventory has a good 40-50fps, no problem... even when I rotate the character. It will, however, take 1-2 seconds to load new armor onto your character. I've heard some people say that they hate the new inventory, but from what I've experienced it's actually nice. It might be an issue once I have loads of items, but picking up weapons and equipping them was an easier experience for me than I had with Morrowind... Morrowind had a "click and drop into your picture" thing going on and compared to Oblivion, I like the new one better... You just click and voila... it's on you.

Please note that 3rd person view reduces framerate. The difference will range from 5-to-10fps (so if you had 25fps in first person, it'll drop to about 15-20fps).
Ostatnio edytowany przez ThaiWarrior, 26 Mar 2006, 18:57, edytowano w sumie 1 raz
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Posty: 571
Dołączenie: 26 Lut 2006, 18:44
Ostatnio był: 11 Gru 2017, 22:00
Miejscowość: Zgorzelec/Żagań
Kozaki: 37

Reklamy Google

Postprzez ponio11 w 26 Mar 2006, 18:45

Thx za info..Mozesz podac linka skad to wziales dokladnie????interesuja mnie screeny jak to wyglada u tego goscia i filmik ktory nakrecil frapsem napewno jakis badziewny ale zawsze cos:)
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Posty: 388
Dołączenie: 29 Paź 2005, 15:34
Ostatnio był: 27 Maj 2024, 15:31
Miejscowość: Lubartów (Lubelskie)
Frakcja: Grzech
Ulubiona broń: Sniper Rifle SVDm2
Kozaki: 7

Postprzez Touchdown w 26 Mar 2006, 18:55

Osobiscie gdybym mial taka zawrotna liczbe klatek (ponizej 20), to powylaczalbym i pozmniejszal wszystko co sie tylko da. Szczególnie, ze podczas walki niskie fps mocno przeszkadza.
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Dołączenie: 07 Maj 2005, 14:01
Ostatnio był: 29 Maj 2015, 17:06
Kozaki: 26

Postprzez ThaiWarrior w 26 Mar 2006, 19:12

Juz zrobilem odpowiedni EDIT. zainteresownani porszeni sa 2 posty do tylu :mrgreen:
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Posty: 571
Dołączenie: 26 Lut 2006, 18:44
Ostatnio był: 11 Gru 2017, 22:00
Miejscowość: Zgorzelec/Żagań
Kozaki: 37

Postprzez LPKorn3324 w 26 Mar 2006, 20:46

Touchdown napisał(a):Osobiscie gdybym mial taka zawrotna liczbe klatek (ponizej 20), to powylaczalbym i pozmniejszal wszystko co sie tylko da. Szczególnie, ze podczas walki niskie fps mocno przeszkadza.

widzisz tutaj pojawia sie problem bo, ze tak powiem panowie programisci chyab przespali lekcje gdzie uczono czegostakiego jak "optymalizacji kodu". Z poczatku podchodzilem do tego sceptycznie ale po 5 godzinach moge potwierdzic, ze niestety ten element jest wykonany slabo. Dla przykladu nie wazne czy gram w 800x600 czy 1024x768 - fps jest praktycznie taki sam. Podobnie textury; specjalnie je dzis wylaczylem zeby zobaczyc jak to bedzie dzialac i co? moze 1-2 fps zyskalem a róznica w grafice jest na pierwszy rzut oka widoczna. Teraz rzeczy, które daja 100% pewnosc zysku fps to wylaczenie HDR'a i wlaczenie mgly. Obie wspomniane rzeczy daja znaczny (u mnie 75%) zysk fps ALE gra bez HDR'a wyglada zupelnie innaczej naprawde jak zagracie z HDR i bez to bedziecie wbijac w nizszy fps i wlaczycie HDR spowotem. Wlaczenie mgly czyli widzimy wszystko do okola w zasiegu 200-300m. Tutaj róznica jest OGROMNA bo po prostu nei widac swiata. Ja z dystansem wlaczonym widze obiekty oddalone o ok 1.5 km-2km gra wtedy budzi respekt.

Podsumowujac ta gra po przekroczeniu okreslonych detali staje sie zyczajnei brzydka. Niestety albo jakosc albo fps trzeba wybierac. Na dniach powinny pojawic sie nowe stery od nVidii pod Obliviona (beta juz jest) mam nadzieje ze poprawi to nieco sytuacje. No i w tym tygodniu musze sie zaopatrzycjeszcze w 256 RAMów ;) [/url]
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Posty: 647
Dołączenie: 23 Kwi 2005, 13:46
Ostatnio był: 01 Lis 2014, 14:04
Miejscowość: Poznan
Kozaki: 0

Postprzez ThaiWarrior w 26 Mar 2006, 20:56

ja szczeze mowiac , jak ogladalem te filmiki i screeny co robil ten gostek ze sprzetem sredniakiem to uwazam , ze nie sa w cale zle i mi se baardzo podobaja(mam tez cicha nadzeje , ze jak mam procka AMD 2.8 semp i 2 razy wiecej ramu to bezdzie chodzil lepiej z wieksza iloscia powlanczanych zeczy)
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Posty: 571
Dołączenie: 26 Lut 2006, 18:44
Ostatnio był: 11 Gru 2017, 22:00
Miejscowość: Zgorzelec/Żagań
Kozaki: 37

Postprzez Touchdown w 26 Mar 2006, 21:06

LPKorn3324, hmm, to faktycznie nie za ciekawie. To co mówisz o HDR i zasiegu widzenia w Oblivionie przypomina mi Dooma3. Tam wylaczony Bump-Mapping niezle przyspieszal gre, ale za to gra wygladala... ehh, w ogóle nie wygladala. Wiekszosc pewnie pamieta, ze w D3 BM byl integralna czescia gry; w innych grach tekstury byly takie jakie powinny byc, a BM tylko je ulepszal. W D3 natomiast tekstury bez BM nie wygladaly nawet jak tekstury... Wiec moge sobie wyobrazic sprawe z HDR w TES.

Zle zoptymalizowane gry zawsze draznia, chyba ze ma sie sprzet klasy h!-end.
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Dołączenie: 07 Maj 2005, 14:01
Ostatnio był: 29 Maj 2015, 17:06
Kozaki: 26

Postprzez LPKorn3324 w 26 Mar 2006, 22:04

nie w takim stopniu to HDR azintegralny nie jest ale sporo bez niego sie traci. A co do D3- bez bump mappingu to nikt by na to nie spojrzal :)
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Dołączenie: 23 Kwi 2005, 13:46
Ostatnio był: 01 Lis 2014, 14:04
Miejscowość: Poznan
Kozaki: 0

Postprzez panish w 26 Mar 2006, 23:08

Kliknijcie to cos pod obrazkiem pudelka i zobaczcie czy wasz komputer "pociagnie" Obliviona. :wink:
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Dołączenie: 07 Maj 2005, 16:36
Ostatnio był: 19 Lut 2018, 05:22
Miejscowość: Warszawa
Kozaki: 1

Postprzez ThaiWarrior w 26 Mar 2006, 23:18

hahaha wszystko pass i jestem w dokladnie w polowie linijki :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Posty: 571
Dołączenie: 26 Lut 2006, 18:44
Ostatnio był: 11 Gru 2017, 22:00
Miejscowość: Zgorzelec/Żagań
Kozaki: 37

Postprzez Touchdown w 27 Mar 2006, 14:16

Ciekawy test. Na minimum:
wszystko Pass
CPU - 3/6
CPU Speed - 4/6
System RAM - 5/6
Operating System - 5/6
Video Card - 5/6.

Na rekomendowanych:
CPU - 5/6
CPU Speed - 4/6 [FAIL]
System RAM - 5/6
Operating System - 6/6
Video Card - 4/6 [FAIL]

Myslalem, ze bedzie gorzej.

PS: We wszystkich innych wymagajacych grach (fear, cod2...) zawodza u mnie te same rzeczy; ostateczny wynik zawsze jest ciut przed recommended.
Ostatnio edytowany przez Touchdown 27 Mar 2006, 14:51, edytowano w sumie 2 razy
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Dołączenie: 07 Maj 2005, 14:01
Ostatnio był: 29 Maj 2015, 17:06
Kozaki: 26

Postprzez mons w 27 Mar 2006, 14:48

ja w rekomendowanych mam tylko video card - FAIL reszta PASS

radeon 9600 :roll:
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Dołączenie: 26 Wrz 2005, 18:49
Ostatnio był: 26 Kwi 2011, 17:43
Miejscowość: Stolica
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